Posted 1253937032|%O ago by leiger
If a second ListPages module could be used inside the first, it would greatly broaden the possibilities of what can be done using modules. Extend that further, and think about how useful it would be to use, for example, CountPages within ListPages.
As part of a move towards allowing modules within other modules, should we start looking at syntax like this instead?
[[module ListSomething]]
[[module ListSomething]]
[[module CountPages]]
Nesting could cause excess strain on Wikidot servers, and might need to be limited.
This is a good idea and one we've already discussed in the team. I think it's "nested" rather than "recursive". We'd make the syntax more formal, so the unclosed module style with default body would be deprecated and/or removed.
Certainly, if we start to make ListComments then we need something like nesting.