Posted 1248525987|%O ago by Phil Chett
Many community based projects have a "Events" section that members can sign up to. Wikidot doesn't.
Clubs, Societies, families, and others more often than not, organise events.
Designing a Calendar of events is quite easy using listpages.
A really good example (ok, so I'm biased) can be found here:
If "rating" is enabled on a page, and the existing very flexible permissions are set correctly, you have the option to look at those that have rated this page.
If that "look whos rated" could be turned into a module, and placed anywhere on a page, it would be quite simple to use that as a "who is signed up to attend this event module".
The addition of been able to change its "title" will also be of use
BBQ at my place | 28th August 2009 |
[[module Rate title="I'll be there" Show"yes"]]
could then be used to display on that page all those that will be attending. With the added advantage that they could remove themselves from that event when they realise that they can't attend.
On your page, you could the have something like….
BBQ at my place | 28th August 2009 |
Yep, I'll be there: + -
People attending:-
All done with the user just having to click a button.
I like the use case, and this could make a good package. But can't you do this today with an events category, and a page per event, and using the Watchers module? True, there is some work to do on notifications, but the goal of the Watchers module was to let people join or leave a discussion with one click, and the discussion nicely maps to an event.
I have considered using this "watchers" Peiter.
there is a difference between those that want to know what's occurring, (for which the "watchers" is brilliant) and those that actually want to attend.
You're right, peepers do not act.
OK. I like to avoid "mission creep". Rating is for rating (polls, priorities, voting). One module should do one thing. What you're proposing sounds more like a refinement of the watchers module. Anyone registering for an event implicitly wants to get notifications as well. Registering for an event means in effect joining a group. Voting/rating does not imply joining a group of any kind, and it's confusing to take it there IMO.
You could:
The Watchers module needs more flexibility then, such as the ability to show specifically who is watching the page, and to let people watch both a site/category and a page, independently.
We could make it even simpler if we created a more solid notion of "group" that people could join and leave, and which we could show on a page.
> If "rating" is enabled on a page, and the existing very flexible permissions are set correctly,
> you have the option to look at those that have rated this page.
Phil, how exactly do the permissions have to be set to make the option “Look who's rated” available? I've never seen this …
| EDIT: Found the answer: you need to click on the Page options button “Rate (+ nn)” and then click on the link “look who rated this page”. It's the first time I noticed it …
watchers is for watching, one module should do one thing. :-))) And its brilliant at what it does. i can specify whether i want the whole site, a category. or a page. Superb.
rating is for rating. yup! thats all i want it to do. It already has the permission available that i need and use. As you have already noted, the ability to change its title would be of great use.
look whos rated is for seeing who has rated. it already has the permissions i need and use. (visible/anon in perms)
we can put watchers where we want
we can put rating where we want.
we CAN'T put "look who rated" where we want. (the ability to change its title would be of great use.)
Phil, I guess Erich's comment, "It's the first time I noticed it" covers my view of the "look who rated this page" functionality.
You're proposing a new scenario, listing a group of users on the page and allowing users to join/leave that group. You're proposing a new module that uses a side-effect of rating to achieve this. I'd like to kill that side effect (since this seems the only use case anyone's suggested) and make a more explicit design based on the notion of "groups" that people can join/leave.
So yes, we're talking at cross purposes.
Being in a group also implies watching, of some kind.
I cannot imagine that the wish to "remove" an existing feature is really thought!
Even no one talks about its offered usage.
Times ago someone has invented such feature and the necessary data (fields, tables, index) for it and the way thru this data and showing it - if someone wants to use this offer.
That means
Both is a very hard cut into db-design , functionality and user-driven thinking.
Never change a running system without really live-savings needs.
Like my old boss from the seventies - who sometimes said - the users are so non-data driven and have no idea what some issues costs, WE have to think "what is good for them"…and we do not need to ask them.
It seems to me you make the same big mistake.
You cannot offer pay-accounts and than change the offered features, only because you think they are not useful or needed or wanted or well know or…or
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@Helmuti: we're just discussing. Please re-read the design proposal.
Anyhow, there will be moments when old functionality gets deprecated in favour of new functionality. That is how it goes. Making a product simpler, more rational, more powerful means changing, deleting, and adding in the right way. Change will happen, and it's not just adding more and more on top.
Ok, I can see now the changed proposal..
But…if you change an old behavior to a new one ( by removing or changing a feature's way) than you have the problem to instruct and inform your "customers" ( not talking about free versions) about the facts very precisely.
They would be growing very angry, if they detect that their site will not work any longer with their implemented features!
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Frameworks and languages change over time, or die. Users of the framework or language will be encouraged to migrate to new versions and abandon old ones. Eventually the old ones will be deprecated.
Nothing special here, it's how all environments evolve. Obviously change has to be managed properly.
Anyhow, I appreciate what you're saying: making a site is a huge investment, and should not be broken by some arbitrary change.
Apparently I'm attending a BBQ =)
I like the idea, though I think it'd be better separated and not an extended version of the Rate module — as has been suggested here.
Maybe a completely new module (or package) designed around event organisation is needed, and not an extension of a current one?
While we're on the topic of the Rate module, I'd like to see the ability to rate a page from within a different page. e.g. inserting a Rate module into a ListPages module, to rate the pages being listed…
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Using Rating to organize events would be an abuse of functionality and only makes sense as a proof-of-concept or workaround. It's like using a knife to open a can of paint.
I'll take the event organizer scenario as a use case for when we come to making user groups.
Being able to rate a different page is a good idea, and adding this pretty much gives us Polls, if I'm not wrong.
Note that this thread is discussing a new design for the Rating module:
As I understand you think this event-organizer is a proposal . This exists since a long tome within the existing "rate" options…
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