Are the current messages about the validity of the website security certificate anything to do with this?
Are the current messages about the validity of the website security certificate anything to do with this?
I had the same message about "the certificate has ended" today morning. ( error 443) .. but this has nothing to do with acta.
See also the bug message on: ( certificate has ended?)
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Shame to admit, but we have missed the expiration date. There is a new certificate already on the servers and it fixes the issue.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
ACTA has been already negotiated by the Romanian government. So I think Romania will protest too.
Now the Czech government considers suspending ACTA ratification too.
However once the European Parliament signs ACTA, it will apply to all EU members. Which means the whole procedure is at least bizarre.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
This is going to be a very long long fight protecting the internet as we know it and in this fight the 99occupy is relevant. this is an invitation to become equal owners (as shareholders) over any assets in our organizations, specifically over the means of the occupy movements.
Michal, you might remember the idea named "comcomism" here it is defined in only 6 points:
Just for better understanding what is that acts here is a vid:
p.s. Let's start use AGPL and not GPL: As we know google, as one example, is build on closing in their servers the open source we produced, they don't allow use of AGPL.
me:) + 99occupy + yes i am angry! + yes again we can + pile + comcomist <= namzezam :)
Sad to hear that the peoples protest is never heard.