This is much better… it even follows the KISS principle!
[[html ...arguments...]]
... html code ...
There is no need to wrap content in an <html> tag. We should add all required HTML structure nodes automatically, even add some JS or CSS files, e.g. for automatic iframe resizing or to match the style of the content with the given site.
A real example would be then:
[[html]] <h1> My example header </h1> <p> My awesome paragraph. </p> [[/html]]
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
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CSS inheritation is not what you want (unless done explicitly).
For example many styles set width of body to 900px or so. As body element is added to the HTML, the iframe content would be also styled that way. I believe we don't want to do this.
Nice thing about this (as mention implementation details) is that we can use variables (from ListPages and _templates) in such blocks like this:
[[html]] <h1>%%title%%</h1> <script type="text/javascript"> alert('%%fullname%%'); </script> [[/html]]
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog
But as I think more about this, I believe there is a set of properties that we want to SET like:
This can be done by marking html tag with id="html-iframe" and setting those properties in base/style.css. The rest of the properties can be then safely inherited from the wiki style. This would be the most flexible solution, as you can also overwrite #html-iframe body properties in custom themes to create some nice effects.
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog