How could I possibly recover my old account.
I am an administrator at the SCP Foundation wiki. Please be advised that the above user is (or was) trying to steal this account, which does not belong to them, and (previously) had moderator privileges on our wiki:
So if someone official actually sees this… please do not give this user access to this account.
I would suggest instead emailing the address associated with that account to let them know of the attempt.
We have received an e-mail about this issue and replied on how to recover an account, but the procedure involves sending a scan of an ID (passport/driving license) if the person does not have access to the e-mail connected with the Wikidot account. If it was an attempt of account theft, I believe we won't receive an e-mail reply from this user anywhere in the future :)
Wikidot is a handy tool to use for school assignments.
Hello Xi Zeng,
I have used Wikidot in the past when I was studying at University.
It's great for keeping notes, because everything is searchable and accessible from any computer with Internet. You don't need to have your physical notebook with you at all times.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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How do I join scp and do y'all ever experienced anything unexplainable any help in this matter would greatly be appreciated thank y'all
Have a look on the answer on a similar question on our community forum:
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No había utilizado esta herramienta y la verdad me parece interesante me gustaría aprender mas.
Alguém por favor poderia me passar, as especificações dos motores de passo estou começando a montar