I read in the above list that
Property |
Done |
Key |
%%parent_name%% |
- |
Y |
%%comments%% |
Y |
Y |
'Done' means it's already there, 'Key' means the orderBy argument would accept this property name.
I also read "4 - ListPages" as title
Hence my conclusion:
There exists a module called listPages with wich one can order a list of pages. A page from that list could have a comment (on page) and since %%comments%% is marked as "key" and "key" means "the orderBy argument would accept this property name", I would assume that the page with the most comments (on Page) would be on top of the list.
I tried this, but it does not seem to work your honor. Here for I introduce exibit A
[[module ListPages category="begripoverleg" order="comments"]]
[[[%%page_unix_name%%|%%content{2}%%]]] (%%comments%%)
Futhermore I wish to know whether my client has a parent. Naturally everybody has two parents but since my client is a wikidot-page it can only have one, so dear members of the jury, to find out wich page that would be should not be a very difficult job.
If one would order the possible pages by "parent", wich is possible the defence says - what would this order be? pages with parents on top and orphant-pages at the bottom?
Please help me members of the jury and give my client his rightfull parent back and a list of popular comments