31 - Permissions Module
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32 - Parenthood Module
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31 - Permissions Module
Created on 24 Oct 2009 15:28
By pieterh

rating: +1+x
This is the Redirect module that redirects the browser directly to the "http://projects.wikidot.com/thread:138" page.

This is a design sketch for the Permissions module, which displays the current permissions of the site.


[[module Permissions options...]]

Displays the permissions table similar to the one found on the site management page. Each cell would have a disabled checkbox that is set to either true/false based on whether that permission is active for the given category and user level.

If more than one category or user level is requested using parameters, then they are shown one after another on the page.


Applies to Permissions module:

  • Select by user level: level="level-selector"
    (modified version of this selector applies to Private1 module)
  • Select by category: category="category-selector"
    (also applies to ListPages and CountPages modules)
  • Select by pagename: pagename="pagename-selector"

Level selector:

  • Of the form: level="anon|wikidot|member|mod|admin"
  • "." means current user level (default)
  • "*" means all user levels
  • else, a list of space/comma delimited levels
  • levels are by default additive (level OR level OR level)
  • "-level" means exclude this page (AND NOT)

Category selector:

  • "." means current category (default)
  • "*" means all categories
  • else, a list of space/comma delimited categories
  • categories are by default additive (category OR category OR category)
  • "-category" means exclude this category (AND NOT)

Pagename selector:

  • "." means current page (default)
  • "*" means all pages (equivalent to category="*")
  • else, a list of space/comma delimited pagenames
  • pagenames are by default additive (pagename OR pagename OR pagename)
  • "-pagename" means exclude this page (AND NOT)

Example of use

[[module Permissions level="* -mod -admin" category="forum" pagename="forum-start"]]

This would show permissions for all wikidot users, except moderators and administrators, from the forum category, and the page forum-start in the _default category.

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