30 - Per-site profile pages
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30 - Per-site profile pages
Created on 23 Oct 2009 11:11
By Gabrys

rating: +1+x
This is the Redirect module that redirects the browser directly to the "http://projects.wikidot.com/thread:137" page.

This is a design sketch for profile pages that replace Wikidot default user pop-up profiles, on sites where this behaviour has been configured.


Per-site profile pages are part of the Site Branding project. The goal is to create a stronger sense of community in a major collaborative site.


In site administration panel, there is a tab "Per-site profile pages" with following settings:

  • disable/enable profile pages for this site (default: disabled)
  • profile page category (default: profile)
  • tag for former member pages (default: _former)
  • tag for current member pages (default: no tag)
  • disable/enable redirecting users to their profile page after they join (default: disabled)

User profile page is <profile_category>:<user_id>, where:

  • <profile_category> is the category defined in the site manager
  • <user_id> is numerical unique and permanent Wikidot ID number of the user

Displaying profile page

Whenever user avatar is shown (including, on members listing, in ListPages results with %%*_by_linked%% in format) and per-site profile pages are enabled, clicking on the user opens the per-site profile page and not global Wikidot profile pop-up.

Automatic actions

Enabling profiles

When profiles are being enabled and the <profile_category> does not yet exist it is created with the following permissions:

  • only page creator, admins and mods can edit pages
  • only admins and mods can create and delete pages

For each member, the profile page is created and the creator property is set to the member, so they can edit this. If configured, the page is automatically tagged with chosen tag for current members.

When profiles are being enabled and the <profile_category> exists it updates its contents to match the current state of members. For each member:

  • If the profile page does not yet exist: it is created and the creator property is set to the member, so they can edit this.
  • If the profile page exists and it's tagged _former (or other configured tag for former members) it deletes this tag.
  • If configured, the page is automatically tagged with chosen tag for current members.

Every other numerical page in that category is tagged _former (or other configured tag for former members). If the page is tagged as configured for current member, that tag is deleted.

Changing tag configuration

If tags for current or former members change and profile pages are enabled Wikidot updates the tags (convert old ones to new).

Category for profiles changing

If category for profiles change, all the profiles are moved to the new category.

User joining site

When a user joins the site, their profile page is automatically created with the creator set to the new member (so they can edit it). If configured, the page is automatically tagged with chosen tag for current members.

If the corresponding option is set, users are automatically redirected to their profile page (in edit mode) right after they join so they can complete it.

User leaving site

When a user leaves the site, their profile page is automatically tagged _former (or other configured tag).

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