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We might search for sites so that we can report them first, but unless others are using the same search terms, those sites are not likely to be reported second and subsequent times by other users.
When a site is reported, it needs to be automatically listed somewhere. I'm sure that's easy enough to do?
The problem is that we don't necessarily want to link to such sites (as posted by Phil below), so how do we list them? ;-)
edit: Just a thought. What about recycling and turning it into a private site? Membership would be available to anyone that typed in a password (that is written on the page).
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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That's what is actually done within
In a comment on savannah. gnu. org I found some wikidot sites mentioned which seem to follow all the same pattern of having a title promoting a porn site but are otherwise empty. Clicking 'Flag as objectionable' only brings up 'This Site is private and accessible only to its members.'
Please do not post links here. it only adds to the ranking. You are helping them, not wikidot.
edit: thank you for editing it.
OK, these sites are now all deleted, along with a dozen more by the same bandit. Which makes me think that a bandit should get all his sites deleted when any one is.
That's good. Actually if you search in Google with 'porn' there are 299 user profiles which should most likely be deleted too and another 303 when searching for 'sex' (although some might overlap). Using other keywords like 'teen', 'gay' … there come up more and more and more :((
and i think you will find they all now lead to blank pages.
If you find any that do lead to profiles with crap in them please PM me. That goes for every one who might find some.
Note.. this refers only to profiles
Well the handful I tested all led to an existing profile page containing a smilie and the user name
e.g. ;-) HardcoreMature1a (what I would call 'crap'). I guess with blank page you mean a page saying 'User does not exist.'?
it leads to a blank profile.
Yes it would be nice to delete the page completely, and the user, but i can't do that. ( i can delete the contents)
before i cleaned it, that profile lead to a nice picture of some interesting activities, that once clicked would lead you to download something rather nasty wether you liked it or not. :-)
OK, I see. So than all I checked have been 'cleaned' already. It's certainly better now than it was before. Thanks.
Will there be any consequences to those who abuse this tool and use it to "wage war" against other sites?
Also, will the flaggers get a "blank check" for flagging sites or will the sites be checked out and then will the points rewarded?
There is a"flag as objectionable" button at the bottom of every site.
Only it links the site admin. So its pretty useless in most cases.
Could it be made to go elsewhere?
It could be reused, but I think for maximum effect we need a toolbar action so that it's really fast and easy. The bottom link could be reused for spam sites that don't show the toolbar.
Maybe the link can send dual notifications, one to the site admins and one to the wikidot censorers.