22 - ListContributors Module
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22 - ListContributors Module
Created on 07 Oct 2009 02:13
By James Kanjo

rating: +3+x
This is the Redirect module that redirects the browser directly to the "http://projects.wikidot.com/thread:129" page.

We need a way to list all of the users who have contributed to the site, but only list them once. This would help us to know who is collaborating in what categories.

I propose the ListUsers module to do this. It will have the same attributes as the ListPages module, in addition to a users selector and an anonymous selector. This is different from the ListPages module, because that will list all users ONCE who fit the criteria.


  • All ListPages selections (category, tags, range, etc, etc.)
  • Select by users: users="users"
  • Include anonymous

Users selector:

  • "." means the current user
  • "created" (default) means users who created a page
  • "edited" means users who edited a page
  • "contributed" means users who created OR edited a page

Anonymous selector:

  • "true" means results will include pages created/edited by an anonymous user
  • "false" (default) means results will not include pages created/edited by an anonymous user


For a “Currently Active Users” module, you would use the following code:

[[module ListUsers category="*" date="last 1 hour" users="contributed" separate="false" appendLine="Sorry! No users have been active over the past hour.[!----]"]]
**Currently active users:**[!----]
[[*user %%name%%]][!--

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