16 - Standard List Processing
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17 - Consistent Tool Arguments
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16 - Standard List Processing
Created on 25 Sep 2009 16:47
By pieterh

rating: +1+x
This is the Redirect module that redirects the browser directly to the "http://projects.wikidot.com/thread:124" page.

The ListPages module is an example of list processing but we plan to make more such modules.

This design sketch is for a standard list processing structure that is more flexible and usable than the one currently used by ListPages (separate, prependLine, and appendLine arguments).

The standard structure uses the proposed syntax for consistent tool arguments:

[[module ListSomething ...]]
==== header
Put stuff that appears before the first item.
==== footer
Put stuff that appears after the last item.
==== else
Put stuff that appears if there are zero items.
Body template comes here.

The 'separate' option used by ListPages would be deprecated, and items never separated unless the design explicitly adds divisions around items.

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