Wikidot rebranding into Friendly Website Service [1st April joke]

by michal-frackowiak on 01 Apr 2012 05:52

Today we are happy to announce a major change in our product branding. Over the years we have found that the brand Wikidot is a limiting issue for the growth of our business. Not only it does not really reflect the fact that you can use Wikidot to create websites. Right, we know — the word wikiwiki means quickly in Hawaiian, but the global awareness of this word is negligible. The dot suffix does not help in understanding our mission either. Wikidot as a brand name is not only inequivalent, but also difficult to remember by our potential clients. Analysis provided by independent consultants seems to confirm our findings.

Because of this, our Board of Directors decided to rebrand Wikidot into:


During the next few months we will gradually move all our services to the new domain. If you own a website, your new address would be We have already started migration, as can be seen by visiting the following websites:

Actually, you can enter any current website, replacing "" domain with "".

Not only we are dropping the "Wikidot" brand. We have also decided to stop using the wiki word and replace it with website. Over years we had difficulties explaining what a wiki is. A common misunderstanding was that we run Wikipedia ("Ah, so you are running Wikipedia?"), some thought it is a female name and we are in the online dating business ("Which one of you is Wiki?"). Not to mention many of our potential clients still confuse with — both can be pronounced as "wiki-dot-com".

With the new name, Friendly Website Service, there is no confusion. It is easier to pronounce, is based on real English words and clearly reflects our mission. It makes us confident about the future of our product.

We deeply believe rebranding will dramatically improve our growth ratio and will let us enter new markets.

Michał Frąckowiak,
on behalf of Board of Directors
Friendly Website Service Inc.

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