We are always happy whenever Wikidot inspires you to do great things. Just recently tsangk, a 16-year old Wikidot "Superguru" has published (an unofficial) mobile Wikidot application for Android phones. Wow. We are really impressed by the amount of work that was put into this project!
Ed Johnson has already reviewed the application:
Wikidot for Android provides a very good way for Android users to stay current with and participate in forum discussions, easily send and receive PMs through Wikidot's messaging system and access sites that you are a member of. This is a great first release with a clean, simple and professional looking interface.
If you own an Android device — take a look at this amazing application and leave a comment! It is available in the Google Play:
First I wanted to say WOW, Wonderful!, but then I saw that this app is not compatible with my Acer A200 tablet. :(
PS:Could this app be adapted for my Acer A200?
Anyhow, I'll become famous, you put my post to the phone photo… :)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
@Brunhilda: I just pushed an updated version of the app (v1.3.5a) which is currently under the approval process on the Play Store… once pushed, the A200 should be able to install the app :)
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Thanks, Ken! You're really awsome!
I'd like to publish this on my two web pages and on FB page of Istorijska biblioteka. How should I do? Are any aditional explanations are necessary for my fans to see the IS and SJA pages, or it is enough to tell them to download this app and to use it for IB and SJA?
IB - Istorijska biblioteka
SJA - Srpski jezički atelje
PS: Could you provide the Google Play button (a picture), so I can put it on my web sites?
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Sure :)
To share on Facebook, you can use this link:
And I think it's pretty self explanatory. Just need to keep in mind that users need to be a member of your site to access the forums. Also, Wikidot for Android does not currently adapt web pages for mobile — it just launches it in your default browser.
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Thanks, Ken, but I've just discovered that it doesn't serve for just visualizing Wikidot sites, so there is no point to announce it in the FB, because most of IB fans are not members of the sites, but only visit them.
Do you think this app could be amplified to visualizing the Wikidot sites on Android, too?
O already announced this to few members of my sites I have, but I think it would be much more useful if it could be used for navigation in Wikidot sites… It is awsome tool for Wikidot members, but it would be even more useful if it can be used just to navigate Wikidot sites…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
That's what our mobile browsers are for. Kenneth may want to build his own browser into this app some day, but it's really up to us as site owners to try to move toward making our sites play nice on mobile browsers. One issue with most themes and sites hosted on Wikidot is that they aren't too "mobile-friendly". That's something I'm really interested in, but would like to see Wikidot implement some technologies (like jQuery Mobile) to make it easier for us to create mobile sites. But, I digress. That's a discussion for elsewhere ([http://feedback.wikidot.com/wish:861 like here).
Community Admin
Hey Brunhilda,
While building an app purely for visualising Wikidot sites is in the roadmap, I've hit roadblocks when trying to build it :P
I think the best setup would be to use a category:_mobiletemplate to generate template files for loading in the mobile pages to give admins more customisability. However, it isn't easy to implement and will take a long time to get right. And this may have to be a separate app altogether.
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Oh… :( I wish I could understand what you two talk about… :P
I understood that there cannot be a single app for Android for visualizing Wikidot sites in general, but each of us has to do some programming to his own site. Unfortunately, I am unable to do this… :(
I'll check that wish Ed posted, and vote….
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I do not believe that another app would solve the problem of the different layout we need of our sites on a mobile or small tablets. I can remember that Timothy or Steven hade made such redirects of the mai start page to another category ( like kennetrh has asked for ) with a complete different small layout ( like the newspaper have it today for mobile devices they have a different "landing" page if the recieving device is a small one).
I beleive this is more a html5 story ( or CSS ?) . Perhaps we should start a new howto-project:
How can we detect a visitor is using a mobile or other small device and than the call(URL) of the start page is to be redirected to a complete another serie(s) showing our main articles in a small layout (like the "mobile:_template" Kenneth has written?
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http://community.wikidot.com/howto:go-mobile is an old one from gerdami - but the same question.
I found some posts with some very usefull information and collect them on this oöd howto..
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Yeah, and since tablets are becoming so popular these days it might not be a bad idea to make a tablet version. I'm horrid when it comes to app design so I wouldn't know how difficult that would be.
@Aschie: Yes, I agree a tablet version would be a great addition to Wikidot for Android. But IMO, Wikidot is quite accessible on mobile web browsers with a tablet-sized screen. Some may beg to differ :P
I will work on better supporting larger screens — but it's not a priority.
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Yes, this is a very useful app! I gave it 4 stars in my original review simply because it had a couple of minor issues (and I couldn't give it 4.5). I edited my review and changed my rating to 5 stars because tsangk is very fast to fix bugs and address feature requests. And, I use the app multiple times a day and would miss it if were gone.
Community Admin
Firstly, thank you Wikidot for the shout out!
@Brunhilda: I think it might have something to do with the camera permissions… I'll remove them from the application for the next release since I don't need them for the app.
@Ed: Thanks for the bump! I'm really glad that you find this app useful :)
Any suggestions or ideas, feel free to let me know!
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
@Tsangk: thank YOU!
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at michalf.me
Congrats Tsangk!
CEO of Icon Deposit
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Indeed, it truly is awesome.
I'm impressed with the clean UI and the ease-of-use. It has some waiting times, but I think this is more related to my Internet connection than with the application itself.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I take back what I said about loading times above - it's extremely fast and responsive at the moment.
Lends even more weight to my initial guess that my Internet connection is the issue.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Were you on a nobile internet connection by any chance? I'm yet to test my app outside of a fixed line connection.
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
When it was fast and responsive I was using my phone's mobile HSDPA connection, while out at the shops. So that works fine.
It's whilst at home that is the issue. I'd be lucky to get GPRS there, and the land-line (which I was using over Wi-Fi during testing) isn't much better.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Really well done tsangk! Truly fantastic work done!
Interesting news.
Looks like the link is broken. Has the program been moved under a different name?
The app has not been available for some time and as far as I know Kenneth does not currently have the time to work on a new version.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.