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Even though I'm very familiar with this particular dialect, I'm thinking this might deserve its own separate thread for community ranting…
I haven't checked for awhile to see if the language has changed in these places, but here are a few items on my list:
I agree. Even "Error" would be better.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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The word panic makes me think something serious happened. For instance "Don't panic, but your site got hacked and died. We might be able to get the data back…" Doesn't feel right for little mistakes like forgetting to log in.
Can we just take the bold line out altogether?
I don't know if this is possible or if it fits everyone's needs, but it helps me when error messages specifically identify both the issue and the remedy.
In this case, the error lists four different roles — admins, moderators, author, and members. If I had any one of these statuses, would it work? If so, why not simply identify the nearest rung on the permissions ladder? If it's possible, the error message should reflect the specific permissions applied to a thread.
Wikis are all about "you can do this". So I think we're all better served by using proactive language. This message is obviously about "you can't" — that limit is already implicit, so let's move beyond it and offer an explicit resolution.
These messages are another visible opportunity for site membership.
Ideally, these messages should relate to their context. They should reflect the page's (thread's) level of protection (site members only, admin/moderators, etc). They should detect whether the user is already logged on and whether they're already a member of the site. They should offer a direct link to PM the site admin. They should give the user relevant guidance about what to do next.
It's not enough just to identify the problem. Here's a great chance to offer new users a positive step up and an invitation to participate further.
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I'd love to have specific error messages followed by an explanation of what to do, but that implies such massive changes that it makes my head spin…
But I did remove the "Don't panic" message with that last update. The cache will show the old messages for a while…
And remove this "Don't panic, but.." It is SOOOO stupid.
I wasn't aware of this. Good job.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Thanks Pieter — Retrofitting is tough, I get it.
So if we're limited to generic messages, I'd recommend this instead:
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Is it possible to do any of this stuff? For instance, can we ID the master administrator in an error message? I guess it's hard to know if that functionality is something most wiki-admins would really want.
Dear Scottplan,
I fully agree with you. I just came back to this Tuesday rant for the same thing.
If there is one link to Wikidot, there could be at least a link to sign in.
And another one in the wikidot navi-bar !
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
Still there !
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
I really don't know if this is Wikidot problem, or it is simply beyond Wikidot, but I have to say that I really DO hate to have to edit and save all the pages that contain and include module when I make some change in the included page in order to make changes to be seen in all of them. The same happens with live template. If I make a change in a live template, I HAVE TO edit and save without any changes ALL the pages of that category…
Here are two reference threads on this:
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I hate it also… The server should keep track of wich pages are included in other pages so that if one of those include pages changes… the cache of all the pages that call upon that include should be erased or rerendered… but erasing the cache is fine… let the user wait for the rerender the first time… that's no problem for him I think because the first user will probably be the owner of the site or the contributor… You could say that if you use the include in a live template… users will have to wait for the download of every page using that template… yes I know but it is only the first user… and with modern technology… it only takes a split second
A - S I M P L E - P L A N by ARTiZEN a startingpoint for simple wikidot solutions.
When you edit a include or _template page, you're page is put into a queue. Wikidot will eventually get it it and recompile all the pages that depend on it. Just wait and check back later. It has nothing to do with your browser cache or reloading the page. You CAN speed it up manually by editing and saving a page (recompiling it), but this is not required. Unless there is a new bug, this is how it works.
This reminds me though, of one thing I don't like about the caching system with ListPages. A list made by ListPages has is compiled on-the-spot when a user views it, and then it only stays in Wikidot's server cache for 60 seconds. This means I can't make a simple text list of 600 pages on my site (even though it works fine with the Pages module), because the wait time would be so so long. ListPages lists should always be compiled and ready in the cache before a user ever gets to it. That way they don't have to wait.
There is no sensible way to precompile ListPage results. The first user to ask for a list gets it, and it stays in the cache until it's invalidated (a page changes, or the cache is cleared). There is no 60-second timeout.
Ah, okay. And nevermind about the 60 second cache thing, I forgot that it's only for random order ListPages.
Wikidot recompiles all files affected by a change, be it live template or include or cross-site include. It just takes a few seconds / minutes depending on the number of affected pages.
If you can find an instance of a page not being recompiled at all, please let us know, that would be a bug.
The day before yesterday, I changed two pages: 2 live templates and one include.
It took more than half an hour for changes to be shown. I had to open and save all the pages in a category art2 (50), and all the pages that include the sablon:sjajan (36), because the changes did not show in all those pages for more than a half an hour. When I finished, category video was showing the changes. I don't know when it happened, but it was not in a few seconds nor minutes after I have made changes in live templates and include.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
My goodness, is it Tuesday already? :-)