Tuesday again, and today a small experiment. This rant thread has a specific topic, identities. Yesterday I was editing a site. It was part of a project, for which I'd created a new user account. It was/is very important to me that this project show that identity, not mine. A week of work later, I uploaded a new file and then saw with horror that I'd been logged in as pieterh, instead of using the new account. Result: site FUBAR.
OK, I was able to recover the situation by renaming the site, cloning it, and then deleting the old site. Even that took me two attempts because I was still logged in as pieterh, the first time. Very luckily, the site does not have watchers, because otherwise they would all have received an email explaining, in black and white, who the real author of that site is.
We've discussed this before on the blog but I'd like more feedback on this.
- How many of you create multiple accounts, and why do you do it?
- Do you use multiple accounts to create multiple identities, for different projects?
- Would you like to be able to manage these with one email address, one password?
- Would you like them to be assigned to specific sites automatically?
- Does the lack of this functionality stop you using Wikidot professionally?
(If you really, really need to rant about something else, go for it.)
Yes yes and yes. I almost have the same problem…
You see, I wanted new blog where I am anonymous, so that I don't have to censor what I write. I stumbled across the same problem as you:
As I wanted the Pro features of the site, I made real account the Master Administrator. This causes problems, such as myself accidentally editing a page. If my real account wasn't a member of the site, then I wouldn't have this problem (I wouldn't have edit permissions).
I guess the solution to this problem is to delegate Pro features to sites without being the Master Administrator of them — but this might get out of hand (“generous” Pro users may dish out their Pro sites, so that others don't need to pay).
Yes, I did here.
And I used to ask for dummy accounts in real life, I mean at work.
I am now the "owner" of Sharepoint site. I am the boss.
But I need to check what the others can see.
That's really a trivial need.
I have different Emails in Business network and private - means 2 accounts ( business and private).
And - over a third email I have a "-guest" account - which I made a member in some private sites ( with read only access) and give the login and password over mail to some friends without any technological background ( and hope, they will be soon a wikidot member..)
I had no problems until today, only some business people asked me - who is this "helmuti_pdorf" on our business Sites….
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Hi, everyone. There may be one problem with allowing people to have multiple accounts in my experience. It is probably far fetched and this just comes from my considerable experience moderating forums (not wikidot).
When a forum gets really popular sometimes there can be similar/rival forums where a lot of kids/trolls hang out and they will basically go around and "shot down" sites by having a group of them creating multiple accounts and flooding a forum with offensive and vulgar spam. If people must verify their email account that ties their hands a bit but if you allow people to make multiple indentities with ONE email then this would make it very easy for trolling groups. It's not pretty! I've been there.
This may never happen to any wikitdot site and I could be completely off and probably you guys already know how to combat this but it's just something I've exprienced.
In other venues where I've brought this up, like LiveJournal, this has been mentioned, but I think it is a non-issue.
The multiple identities are only what other users see. If they report you, Wikidot would know, and could trace it down to your account for any appropriate action. Thus, it would not be wise to troll using one of these "displayed identities", and these days, creating an email identity somewhere for an throwaway login is so easy that it's no real bar to a malicious user.
This is weneed:73. I also mentioned it way back when suggestions were only in the forums.
Yes to all three. I don't bother trying to manage multiple logins, because I know I'll mess up, and as you noted, there's no way to unwind it without deleting the site, and even then, watchers will still see it.
oh i have done this so many times… i dont notice the account im logged in as and i post on a forum, then later notice what i did. then i have to go back and edit the post and make it sound really stupid like "me too" or "ya, i have that problem to" just to hope no one notices the edits…
lol, but yes i have multiple identities, and a a test account…
the multiple identities are for multiple reason. one is account i made for a school site, and the other was just so i could if needed ask questions without sounding like a noob (although ive never used it ;-) and you all probably know my test account
When I started my site, I created one for testing purposes (e-mail notifications etc). I was going to ask if it was against the ToS but I forgot to. I guess it isn't then.
___TTT___/ http://www.trumpetexercises.net
(_|||_) \ - Janne
When I first joined Wikidot I created two accounts; a work one, and a personal one. After about a month I decided that I'd be better off using just one account, and more or less abandoned the other identity. The only time I use it now is to check how my sites look to Wikidot members who aren't members of the sites.
I think it is important that other users know who they are really interacting with, which is why I use my real full name, a real photo, my real age etc on my profile even though I am naturally shy & introverted!
I also thought that creating multiple identities might be against the ToS.
No it doesn't stop me using Wikidot.
Wayne Eddy
Melbourne, Australia
LGAM Knowledge Base
Contact via Google+
I'm pretty much of the same opinion as Wayne. I originally started with a different account name and experimented with different accounts for work and personal stuff. But eventually I settled on a single account with my real name for all sites. It suits me both professionally and personally and it's easier to remember who I am!
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Likewise. In addition, however, I'm taking responsibility for myself (the bad things, but also the good things). It's also a gentle reminder that I'm a person interacting with you… not a screen name on the internet.
I was goingto do it for one project, but decided it was too much trouble, and not really needed.
Longest. Tuesday. Ever.