Try to imagine a situation when you're gathering some people and together creating your new project, e.g. new Internet service. Everything starts from an idea, then you make a plan and try to introduce a completely fresh, magnificent solution that will rule the world. Ok, that's for the beginning.
During the process of developing, more and more things need to be done. Time is running and everything has to be in a proper order and in time. The more people you have involved in the project, the more complicated it becomes to manage everyone's contributions efficiently.
There are many project management and "Getting Things Done" applications, but only Wikidot delivers a complete solution: a flexible, simple but powerful Issue Tracker / Feedback Platform or Customer Relationship Manager.
Those three templates give you an internal communication platform, a place for reporting bugs and requesting features in your project, and a channel of communication between the project team and your customers, respectively.
How do I install this?
Simply click on one of the thumbnails shown above, then click on the Clone button on the page that you are redirected to.
Enter a title for the new site you want to create with the selected template, followed by a web address. And that's it!

My $.02 on the topic:
My friends are starting a new project, which involves streaming videos and other interesting stuff. Now what they need is, like Łukasz said:
Hosting software was a no-go, because it is too much hassle. It is much easier to pay for the service and not to care about server administration, backups etc. It is actually even cheaper.
Now they went through available options, some better some worse. Just to name a few: Lighthouse App for internal tracker, Tender App or Zendesk for customer support, User Voice for feedback collection.
Now the first disadvantage is that those are separate services. Some of them work nicely with others through API, some don't. Figuring out how to choose a set that works took a while. And each of them have different interfaces and often impose non-compatible workflow.
Another thing is the cost, which would start at $50 a month for a minimal setup, but as they scale it can easily reach $300 a month as their project grows.
I have simply advised them to take a look at Wikidot. Internally we are doing issue tracking only on Wikidot… we run everything on Wikidot actually. It is not without drawback, obviously, but you get the flexibility that none of other services can offer. Your wiki can be an issue tracker, a forum, just anything.
The main drawback is that you need to spend some time on learning Wikidot and customization. But if your team is going to spend a few hours a day using the system, this up-front investment is not that large. But this is where Iron Giant project can help. It provides a growing number of customizable site templates.
And the cost… you can grow up to 20 sites with unlimited members for $239 a year, which is roughly 10% of the cost of using separate services. Wow. It might look even too cheap, but this is only because we are setting prices based on our actual costs. Which so far our users like :-)
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
Until it is possible to search for documents attached to pages Wikidot will have difficulty being accepted as a proper document repository. A text repository yes, but not a document repository.
I am developing a site for a legal library in the UK which needs to store and create legal document styles. I have done this by using dataforms and the file field (a brilliant bit of recent functionality), copying the text into a dataform and using a file field to attach the original word document (for offline use) all in a single process. It works well and the user can do a search for document text, open the page and then download the attached document if they need to.
So it's almost there. But if you were to find a way to search for attached files and return the page they were attached to (Wish 197) then Wikidot really would really start to be a document repository.
PS: educating organisations to stop thinking of Word as the best way to store, manage and collaborate on their information is also key here.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Your model seems to be that a single wiki has a single function. There are certainly good arguments for that.
This does mean that these functions can't be added to an existing wiki. Nor can a single wiki support more than one function, which may allow more powerful solutions to be developed. Both of these could be supported if the templates were designed to allow the new clone-category functionality to be used. At the moment the various bits of functionality are spread between several categories including _default, so using the category cloner is not possible.
Maybe have a two-step template, so a fully functional site can be generated by cloning the whole template site, but the functional unit can be created by just cloning a single category.
The original clone module specified that you'd be able to say which categories and pages were to be cloned, and to which site they would be added to. Any existing pages on that site would be overwritten by the new pages.
That functionality hasn't been implemented yet… if it was, it'd just be a case of going to the home page of each IronGiant site and adding a clone module specifically designed to clone the minimum structure to an existing site.
There are many things planned that are yet to be implemented, and everyone has different priorities. For example, there are other things I want before an improved clone module - but it sounds like the clone module is high up on your list of priorities?
Wikidot being a small team has lots of great advantages (like the community interaction), but there's also some pretty big disadvantages in terms of how fast they can pump out new features :(
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Problem is that Clone actually does not clone at all if number of pages is greater than 100.
Not very high, no, because I haven't seen anything yet that I would need in any active site of mine, but I can see possible future needs to add any of the three templates in the OP, or maybe the no-comment forum, to an existing site.
Why would you need to clone a site with more than 100 pages, if it's a template site? The main purpose of the clone module is for templates. - And the MA can always clone their own sites, regardless of size.
@rurwin: I'm planning to make a template for the NoComment forum soon. I think I've found a good balance at the moment - needs a few more tweaks as the Quote option isn't perfect yet, for example. After that though I don't see myself making any massive changes so that makes it ready for others to use (finally).
At the moment I've got a "copyright" on it and would prefer that people ask me before copying it so I know where it's being used (I'll most likely say 'yes' anyway), but as soon as I have time to make the template I'll drop that license (as it's pointless making a template otherwise!)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I did not know this. I thought all sites were blocked from cloning if they exceeded 100 pages. In fact, I'm pretty sure I tried this with one of my sites and had to delete a bunch of pages to get it to clone. Is this documented somewhere?
I'll have to try this again to see if it works.
Community Admin
Not with the clone module, but through the site manager - where it's always been available long before the clone module was designed and implemented.
Check the "Misc settings" section of the site manager. Been there as long as I can remember ;-)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Arugh…! SPAM!
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Sorry Kenneth, I was faster in deleting the post..
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Hahaha. I can't delete the post anyways :P
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Yeah, I see you are not a member (or admin) of this blog…sorry…
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Don't worry Kenneth, it has always irritated me that I can't delete spam posts here either! I've no idea what the criteria is for admin rights on the blog site.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
I beleive, it was at the time when we start the roadmap and other big applicationsbuilding together with pieter that this list of admins grow, and only by chance till today this list is as it is now.
It is realy interesting - on system:members we see, that Michal itself is not even a member of this site…
( I know, he has his own blog on )..
Would be interesting too, if You, Rob as a "member", can "delete" a post?
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?
Only to inform you all of my german community site is now growing and growing… we have a second admin now and the first 4 members.. :)
and it seems that in german language space the teachers are more interested in wiki's.
Now we have a little discussion if we should change the name "user-gemeinschaft" to another one like "WikidotNutzer" ( german for user) - for better finding oin google .. but this is interesting:
You can find WikidotNutzer only over the inserted thumbnails in the Bottom Bar of other wikidot sites!
What am I missing ?
The recurring sentence "WikidotNutzer" in another "Home-page" header or sentence?
Not only in the tagline?
Service is my success. My (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
Sie können fragen und mitwirken in der deutschsprachigen » User-Gemeinschaft für WikidotNutzer oder
im deutschen » Wikidot Handbuch ?