Tell them all

by TeRq on 07 Oct 2010 13:48


We wish to announce that a new awesome feature is now available — the long awaited newsletter functionality. It was one of a most popular wishes on our feedback site.

This new functionality is available in Manage site panel "" under "Members » Send newsletter" section. It allows site admins to send a private message to all site members in one step. You can use wikidot syntax in the messages.

In the last few days we introduced a few more improvements to Wikidot. Due to frequent mistakes made by users with creating links, wiki syntax now accepts tri-parenthesis URL links, e.g. [[[ | Description]]]

Site manager (admin:manage) and forum pages (forum:start etc.) are hardcoded and it's impossible to change their source code or remove. It prevents admins from accidentally breaking forum structure or losing control over site.

To keep track of all changes, new features and bug fixes check our changelog.

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