Power failure - functionality restored!

by michal-frackowiak on 12 Jun 2012 15:01

I am very sad to report that one of our servers has been hit by a power failure that resulted in filesystem inconsistency. Unfortunately this resulted in the global unavailability of Wikidot. But before I explain any further, I must say that:

No data is lost

except for file uploads from the last half hour before the crash.

While recovering the failed server, we have reconfigured the rest of our servers to bring back as much functionality as possible.

The services that do not work yet include:

  • activities: no new activities are created when pages are saved or edited; activities cannot be browsed FIXED!
  • thumbnails: some need to be re-generated; until then some can be missing
  • uploaded files: it might take longer than usual to request uploaded files until our cache servers "warm up"
  • translations might not work on all sites FIXED!
  • site statistics are not available right now, and some data from today might be missing
      • update: site statistics are available for 2012 now, stats for yesterday and today are being generated

Unfortunately some time passed before we could bring Wikidot up after the failure. Meanwhile we have reported our Facebook profile and Twitter page.

I am very sorry about the issue — believe me, we are working as hard as we can to bring remaining functionality back and to minimize the negative impact of the failure.

I will be posting updates about our status.

Best regards and thanks for your patience,

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