Next up: Wikis

by pieterh on 03 Aug 2009 09:52

The blog and opensource templates are looking good. We need a bunch of little changes to make page-based forums work really well, and then we need to add a way to create new sites based on a template. In the meantime, I've started on the third template site: Update: renamed wiki-template to monobook-template.

If you've been using Wikidot to create a 'classic' wiki, tell us what you find most useful. Better still, join the template site and add your favorite features. For example, the "Image + footnote" package that Timothy Foster posted, based on work done by Brunhilda and others.

There's an amazing amount of knowledge stored up in the community howtos. With packages and template sites we have a way of getting this power into the hands of people who are just starting to use Wikidot.

For the wiki template I used Fereal's Monobook, mainly because it has full documentation. Dodgy Monkey's MonoDot is also appealing, because it's so simple.

So, a competition… We're going to award a Pro account gift to each of the three people who make the best contributions to the wiki template site. Employees of Wikidot Inc. are excluded :-) The judge of when the template is ready, and who wins the prizes, will be me. Join the site: early joiners will, if I like their work, get admin status and the ability to clone the site. If you're already a Pro user, you probably know people who deserve that gift.

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