New design! Hoooray!
Everyone loves great designs especially when it comes to the web. This is why we introduced Bootstrap-compatible layouts a while ago to let you create great wikis with fresh themes. Now it's time to eat our own dog food and use it to refresh our front page, blog and the feedback sites. The account dashboard got a redesign too!

Honestly, the refresh was much needed and I hope it brings some fresh air. There are other reasons too: the new front page should do much better job explaining what Wikidot is to those who visit us the first time. The refreshed interface on the other hand is much more consistent and should improve the general experience on desktop, tablets and mobile.
There might be occasional issues with the design — if you find any, please let us know.
Other than that — let us know what you think!
I really like this design refresh, great job!
Personally, a couple of things that I'm not particularly a fan of:
Couple of things I picked up too:
Other than that, I'm loving it :)
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
Thank you for your opinion. I just have fixed the footer both on blog and feedback. I got other things on the TO-DO list with new design fixes :)
Awesome Squark :)
Just found a couple more little typos:
and another design opinion:
Again, great work. As with all major redesigns, there are always little things to tweak :)
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)
You found This HOSTING typo and it has been there for ages apparently :)
"Wikidot is…" changed to "Wikidot has…"
Footer links - added to the list and will be pushed with the next CSS changes batch ASAP.
Love it, Ćukasz. :) Will this theme be available for all to use in the themes library?
Unfortunately not. This is the company's exclusive theme for official sites.
But be on the lookout; now that my university's term is approaching its end, I may have time to develop a theme or two using the new Bootstrap features ;)
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Then I shall keep my eyes open, down at the bootstrap playground! Keep up the good work, Timothy - I hope you are still enjoying the challenges presented by the new environment. :)
It is really nice. It reminds me of Google stuff… Were you inspired by Google design? :)
Just a question: I don't see my avatar nor my user name on this site in my account in the upper right corner, it this on purpose, or a mistake?
Other than this, I like it, it is good to change looks from time to time… :)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I was simply basing on Bootstrap 3 with changed color palette fitting better to Wikidot's visual identity.
I'm also planning to use avatar inside the circle instead of an icon of a person and the color of the circle border will correspond with the karma level. Need few days for the changes and fixes.
Ah, good. I can't wait to see it!
(I am sorry, but I have no idea what a Bootstrap is. I know this is something awesome, judging by the reactions of Wikidotians when you introduced it, but ,alas, my programming knowledge is really, really tiny, almost in-existent… :(. To me, a new design reminds a little bit of Google looks, and I love it!)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I like it, looks really clean and modern. I really am going to have to grips with Bootstrap 3 design now.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Awesome :)
The icon threw me off a bit, I'm not used to seeing it with a black background. But overall it looks great :)
Hope to have some time to use Wikidot more in the near future.
Edit: Having a more detailed look, I love it even more. The scrolling on the home page is a bit jittery with my middle mouse button, but if I drag the scrollbar it's smooth, and I suspect it'll be really smooth using a touch screen. Looking forward to seeing how things adapt on my phone, as well.
My sites look outdated in comparison!
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Wow! I have just spotted the red line under the black header!!!! This is marvelous!! At first, I thought it was a mistake, because it reached only a half of my screen width, but then I started to scroll… I am amazed… :D:D:D:D
(Any chance to get CSS or whatever is needed for this? Is it too complicated?)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
It's a JavaScript library called Skrollr. You can get it here: ;) I'm not really sure how to implement it yet.
~ Vlad
Just tested it on an iPhone 4. Looks gorgeous!
~ Vlad
Spiffy, but you're using too many colors, including two different shades of blue.
So you removed the listing of top/hot sites then?
I'm not too crazy about the multipaging of the wiki syntax documentation, but I could get used to it.
As the documentation gets longer, data forms for example, it makes it easier to manage if it's paged.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
This reminds me a bit of the home page for the The Battery in San Francisco. Very attractive.
its look like yahoomail home page , but its look so nice ,
im just only a kid . im addicted playing AQW i have some idea suggestion items , sorry if that is to short im so badly speak in english . sorry for that , thanks :)