About a month ago we (Ed Johnson, leiger and myself) started on a project to build a blog template site and it's ready to test.
Take a second to read this site and tell me what you think of it. This template is one of a series (here's the one I'm working on now) that will give people fully-working Wikidot sites instead of the current bare initial site.
In other words, when you create a new Wikidot site, you'll be offered a series of templates: blog, forum, issue tracker, game community, education, wiki (!), private workgroup, etc.
As I mentioned in my original blog posting, I'd also like to go to the many thousands of people who have become active contributors of a Wikidot site but do not yet have their own site, and say, "look, we've made a blog site for you, take a look." I.e. create a site for them, make them admin, and stick their name in the title.
The blog template has some features that I'd like to use systematically on new template sites:
- It has a themes selector page. These themes are variations on Gabrys' clean and simple Green Fresh theme.
- It has a Google translate function in the side menu.
- It has a top menu based on Ed Johnson's suggestion. This puts the site manager, and other key actions in a consistent place.
- It uses the Watchers module to show who's following the project.
- It's built around ListPages, category templates, tags, and per-page comments.
- It has a pretty picture on the front page. This one looks just like a cat I used to have and is used with permission of Paulo Brandão, the photographer.
That is one evil looking cat. Obviously, all cats are evil, but they don't all get captured on film contemplating horrific acts of violence against their photographers.
I just hope Paulo is well.
Evil? No, she's purring like mad and asking for another helping of sardines. :-)
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Y'know, you're technically spamming by replying to all 8 or so of the spam comments yourself =)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Yes, I want to make clear to and remember the master admin that he needs a group of mods who can fight against such spams immediately…as on our community site.
I know this is a brutal way, but without this nothing will happen,…:)
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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Yes, that type of thing would definitely help in situations like this, where pieter is obviously not online or hasn't noticed.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I was off-line, taking a deserved break. The blog was allowing anonymous comments, which is pretty much an invitation to spam. Fixed that. And we'll organize a group of mods, as you suggested, Helmuti.
So anonymous posting has been disabled? Hmm, might be for the best. Sometimes I post anonymously if I can't be bothered logging in =)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
The blog is really starting to shape up, and the Open Source template looks great! Will try to think about what might be missing from them and add it…
pieterh, if you'd have a look at http://track.wikidot.com — is it a good place to start off for the issue tracker template?
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Hi leiger,
Why do we have the pro site with exactly the same infos.?
( parallel to the original tracker system used by the developer team.)
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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You have a point there =P
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
We obviously have a lot of issue trackers to be inspired by. The most advanced is the one we use now internally, which drives our development process.
The opensource-template will use a combination of issue tracker, forum, wiki, and blog so that threads = pages = issues and have some soft state (open, closed). It's kind of along the lines of doing a forum imitation using category templates and comment module.
Projects seem to need at least two such trackers, one for the community and one for the developers. The separation is necessary.
Obviously we don't need five or six but the competition is healthy and we're still experimenting a lot, so it is all good.
I already noticed that with orange-fresh-fixed.
With short pages, the vertical scrollbar does not appear with Firefox. Hence when browsing the site from short to long pages, the nav:top shifts to the left (or to the right), which is annoying. Try this:
html { min-height:101%; }
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
Great idea, I'll do this for the fixed themes.
In nav:side, there is no targetPage for the PageCalendar: change to:
[[module PageCalendar category="blog" targetPage="blog:_start" ]]
In nav:top, why do you use UPPERCASE in menus while you now it should always be avoided (shout reasons, ugly and eating space) ? (Because it was set up like this in green-fresh)
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
I'm sorry, I took the menu CSS unchanged from green-fresh. I do dislike the SHOUTING MENUS… will fix that.
Thanks for the nav:side fix, will do.
Thanks for the credit, but I had little to do with the evolution of this site template.
I noticed the blog:_start page is tagged with delete-this-page. Shouldn't that tag be on the blog:1 page instead? It seems to me the user would break their site if they deleted blog:_start. I didn't want to mess with it in case I'm missing something.
[edit] I did make some changes to the tags. I'm confident I understand it! ;)
Community Admin
You could have tagged it with "hey-at-least-I-made-this-tag" :-)
I guess you get the credit for launching the thing with an excellent top menu that solved a lot of questions I've had before, such as how to get standard actions into a consistent place.
Why does this page show
Comments: 0
when there are several comments below?
Community Admin
That's a very good question. I think there's a bug where the comment count is only refreshed when a page is recompiled. Let me try to recompile this page (edit/save) and see if that changes it.
That's what's happening. Will be fixed.
Looks good, and the cat looks like several cats we've had over the years, all named Finn.