This week we're going to highlight some of the sites hosted and powered by Some of them are extremely popular and we hope the rest to get popular soon. There is no strict criteria for these picks — but these are the sites that often make us say Wow!, and we simply want to share the links with you in case you missed them.
Demon's Souls
A site with complete information about very popular RPG game called Demon's Souls.
TI-Basic Developer
Useful resources for TI-Basic (language used for programming powerful calculators) programmers.
The PS3 Index
Visit the site for themes and games information for Play Station 3.
Something new for cooking fans.
Hacker Space Festival
Various festivals websites are often hosted by Wikidot. Here's just an example.
Roaring Apps
Application compatibility for Mac OS X Lion.
GoonDroid Wiki
Community wiki for Android hackers.
Serbian history online encyclopedia.
Quoting the authors, WikiMir "is a Wiki concentrating on Middle-east, Indian-subcontinent and Russia and its former soviet states".
Wikidot proves to be the right tool to create sites both quickly and precisely — starting a wiki for community takes a minute or two and with some additional time spent, you can create a nice-looking, useful and powerful site that can be used to gather important information and present it in attractive way.
Checkout the What's hot page for more active sites. And feel free to share the Wikidot sites you find most useful!
I wasn't aware of GoonDroid Wiki … thanks!
Edit: Yet another Wikidot site that uses external forums. Seems in this case that the forum existed before the wiki, so that makes sense, but the default Wikidot forums do have a lot of issues and so here I go on a bit of a rant: ;-)
Pagination is good, but not everyone likes it, and I've seen at least one person switch to page-based forums simply for one reason: it allows them to disable pagination and get the single-page of comments they had before. Control over pagination is the solution to this problem.
I've just lodged a wish on the feedback site, so you can view (and rate) it here: Control over forum and comment pagination
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Thanks for the RoaringApps plug :)
Fingers crossed.
BMC Creative | RoaringApps | @brycecammo
Thank you for posting the PS3 Index Gabrys… wish you can add my new site The Icon Deposit to that list ;)
CEO of Icon Deposit
Take a look at me via Twitter, Dribbble, and Google +
I'm glad to see TI|BD on there. It's an awesome resource, and uses quite a few awesome things in wikidot including member badges, archives section, etc.
Thanks for putting the Istorijska biblioteka among your top sites. I am really flattered by your choice… :)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Just helping a bit… there is an error in the css coding for the wikidot editor buttons, that's why they are not visible when hovered over, just thought i'd let you know :)
- Unless you made it that way, then that's fine, but looks a lot better when there is a button that is there when you hover over it.
Edit: Guess it's fixed.
CEO of Icon Deposit
Take a look at me via Twitter, Dribbble, and Google +
What site are you talking about. It's fine here on this site.
Piotr Gabryjeluk
visit my blog
Yes I was just hovering over the buttons on this page but I guess it didn't load fast enough for some reason in my browser.
CEO of Icon Deposit
Take a look at me via Twitter, Dribbble, and Google +
I've encountered the problem you mentioned a couple times before, on various sites. I'm pretty sure it's just a client-side issue that occurs every now and then… nothing Wikidot can improve, as you said:
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Sorry for inconvenience but I noticed something during my visit to this site.
In fact, the website Gondroid does not appear to exist. The link reports to a non-existent page.
I apologize if you were aware of that, but I just want to warn you if you haven't noticed it.
- Dr. Sarroze, member of the SCP foundation wiki (Francophone branch)
PS : Sorry for my bad english, I'm French.
Thank you for the update Doctor Sarroze of the "Gondroid" but first i must discuss research I am doing of the Scientific kind that is doctor. Now, there is a Rune of knowledge I am doing research on and I'm afraid I require you and your SCP FOUNDATION'S help. The specific rune i'm of course talking about has had many names in flow of history but today this rune is known as the "The Rune of Severance"