I often find myself in a situation where I need to explain to a non-tech person what Wikidot is. And I do not have an hour for long talk, just a sentence or two. The shorter the better. And it's perfect when people respond That's interesting, I need to try it.
One thing for sure, there is such an enormous diversity among sites on Wikidot that it might seem difficult to find a definition what Wikidot really is. I could say "Wikidot is a platform that empowers its users to build amazing wikis", which is very close to truth.
A problem I find is that many people have no idea what a wiki is. Those who do, when they say wiki, they often mean Wikipedia. You can use this fact by saying Do you know Wikipedia, the largest online encyclopedia that people collaboratively edit? So Wikidot is like "a small Wikipedia for everyone". But this does not really work. One look at most popular Wikidot sites and you will see they are nothing like "small Wikipedias".
On the other hand, Wikidot is a kind of web hosting, where you build websites from pre-made elements or blocks. It is probably closer, but lacks the social and collaborative aspect.
Wikidot is also a sophisticated and powerful tool for power users, but with a learning curve. With the recent addition (still work in progress) of data forms, one can build really advanced web applications. But when you start straight with complex stuff, people lose focus easily. In the first approximation, they need to know one thing we do best. Next, we can show that Wikidot is much more. Start simple, go deeper when it is needed.
Over the years, the best short explanation that works for me and draws attention is something along the lines of:
Wikidot is a place where you can start building your own website in less than a minute. You can edit content, invite friends, upload images, set up forums, start a blog and much more.
So instead of going further I would like to ask you: how do you explain to people what Wikidot is?
"Question mark" photo comes from Marco Bellucci
To my coworkers who ask me what I'm talking about when I'm singing Wikidot's praises:
I usually get the vacant stare and "Ohhh…" just before they roll their eyes and walk away before I get a chance to say anything more. ;)
For others who hang around long enough,
Community Admin
I still cannot explain it in French for well known reasons…
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
I'm guessing that language has limitations… Surely a refined language such as French could articulate Wikidot better than English?
Come on James. It is not about competition between languages but about usability:
Yes I can create a wikidot site in French, but for example, I cannot avoid this:
And the Google translate gadget does not help !
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
I remember that one of my first wikis I installed at Lycos.fr in 2004 contained a folder with the localizations. If I wanted my wiki speak in Walloon I just needed to clone the English version and create a "wakka.wa.php" …
It was WackoWiki.
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
I'm confused… You can't explain what Wikidot is to the French because of a… permission error??
I think gerdami is saying that he does not want to sing praises about Wikidot in French, because it does not meet the needs of french users that don't speak English or Polish.
If my website had error messages in Chinese (which I can only speak a few words in) or French (which I don't understand at all) I would be very annoyed — and it'd definitely be a deal-breaker when I'm looking for a place to host my website/wiki.
This blog post is about describing Wikidot to other users, not about debating it's need for multilingual support… so we should probably move this discussion elsewhere (next blog post perhaps, michal?) ;-)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Leiger, thanks for your support at least for you first two paragraphs.
However, if you want to explain by example what a wiki is, but at stage, you cannot continue just because the software is only bilingual, you have to give up.
gerdami - Visit Handbook en Français - Rate this howto:import-simple-excel-tables-into-wikidot up!
Now you're making sense… I wonder how multiple languages could be supported…
Strange post. Do you really think some natural languages are more "refined" than others, or are you joking?
My native language is french. But I often find myself getting sensible insights via german (eg the fondamental difference between "gleich-" and "selb-" which both map to "same" in english) in the field of programming and computer science.
I don't know how to explain it. It's that simple. Generally the people that ask are site members on my Wikidot site.
I have 130 site members on my website at the moment… I think only 4 of those have used Wikidot before joining my website as a member (myself, James Kanjo, tsangk, and one other user). The other 126 are signed up to my wikidot site only and most of them have never seen any other wikidot sites.
Generally the quickest way to get out of a long and detailed explanation is to say this:
"Wikidot is our host for this website."
I don't know what else to say after that ;-)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I find myself in a similar situation. I cannot even explain to most of my users that they can update the content themselves. When I do explain to them that this is possible the usual response I get it "…Oh…well…would you do it anyway?"
The only way I have ever even come close to explaining it to someone is to show them the site and all the things you can do. Telling them without being able to sit with them and show them has not worked at all for me.
The Wikipedia analogy does not work for me, because the usual response on that is "What do you mean everyone can update Wikipedia? How can everyone update an encyclopedia?" Or I get "What's a wikipedia?" That one baffles me. You search on just about anything in Google and the first entry 80% of the time is a Wikipedia article …
I don't care. I still love it.
As for getting people to contribute, making it as simple as possible and doing as least as possible yourself (whilst indicating that there is a lot of work to be done) generally gets people to realise that they are able to help the process, I've found.
Once people start contributing, and encouraging others to contribute, you can start adding content yourself.
Once you get to the point where you're adding 95% of the content, you're doing something wrong — people will naturally expect you to do everything at that point and they need more encouragement before it gets to that point.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
This makes sense. In a totally different field, I had hard time letting people realise they even *could* do their part of a common job. I finally simply decided to dedicate to this project about 30% of the time i would have spent if I had to do all alone. Especially letting much stuff unfinished and some just started seemed to help them and realise. And indeed, there was no other entry barrier to beeing active than getting some startup information. This is fondamental. (Wikilangs, even much simpler than wikidot's, always are a hich barrier. They're needed, for sure, but they are barriers)
If it's a very short conversation I say that Wikidot is the platform that allows them to build collaborative websites with no special software or lengthy IT training.
If it's a presentation or a longer conversation I don't start by talking about Wikidot at all! Because for many people their knowledge of a wiki is limited to Wikipedia, I start by explaining what a wiki is, the massive range of things you can do with one, how it enhances collaboration and reduces email exchanges and how it enables a group of people to add content and keep it up to date rather than relying on just one person. I emphasise the all the things that can be added to the wiki (blogs, video, calendars, photo galleries, forums, forms, lists….), the ease of use, the ability to roll back to previous versions, and the fun aspect of seeing their changes live on the internet instantly. For many people all this is quite a revelation.
For those who have heard of Wordpress I explain that a Wikidot site is similar to Wordpress but can be much more powerful.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
What amazes me, is e.g.
— those are search popularity graphs at Google Trends. This would suggest that the "wiki awareness" should be quite high.
I think I would be much more happy to explain Wikidot in terms of "wikis" rather than "websites" after all… Wikidot: the best way to start a wiki.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at michalf.me
Yes, saying "wiki" is definitely more accurate than saying "website" when describing Wikidot.
However as my site is designed more as a website and less as a wiki … it's easier to explain it that way.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
How about, a hosted service that allows even the technologically challenged to build their own websites either on their own or with their friends.
One of the biggest advantages of a wiki software is that it is foolproof. Make a mistake, there is a history option, you can go back to a previous version of the same page. Whether you reach the level of interactivity you want or not, the ability for many people to edit the same site is amazing.
(I can see masses of potential in the company I work for, but run up against a wall of apathy.)
There is one feature that is not reversible (and should be, by site admins at least) … and that is the deletion of pages.
Even with a certain "move to trash" idea being floated about, it should be reversible by the MA to reverse any pages that are deleted from the trash as well — with full history.
Perhaps a 30-day grace period before the page is lost forever.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I think Rob has gotten the right direction - the difference of the target - publicum, - people.
When I try to explain wikidot and his features to my family ( non technic people) - the standard question is always - why should I have a computer only for this web-apperance of my "idea" - family tree" - "Sportsclub press" - "mountainieriung club" … a,s,o,… I can live very good without any computer…. what can I say than?
( I work for the electronic / kybernetic data processing for more than 43 years ).
And the other - modern and young co-workers used to use a laptop for their work?
They are over-stressed to use their neccessary tools for work and have no willings and time and power and., and . .. to start another tool - for what ?
the result is a "mini" wiki ( Documentatin, procedur4es, Logs, Events) in my old comp - written by some enthusiasts and not the people who should live with it.
And the CEO's ?
They do not like it - this is like a publilc wall where the critics and meanings of the people can be written very easy and readable for all without any real control by them. (Free forum ) This can be dangerous.
I think fsince some month about a book ( like our handbook) for dummies ( like "Wiki for everyone !" ) with all the philosophical stiudes Rob has brought some months ago to show the "benefits" of a wiki . I think, as T.A.Edison changed the world to sell his electricity , if there is no use by the mass of people than we should change the mind of the people and explain what is possible with a wiki - and not its technical solution.
I am not talking here about the "webhosting" - this is a complete different target-publicum - most of these people knows exactly what they want and search only a place and cheap technic.
Service is my success. My webtips:www.blender.org (Open source), Wikidot-Handbook.
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My answer would be: explain Wikidot in context.
Point them a specific example how Wikidot benefits you. Or show how it can help them in their particular needs, problems or wants.
Then, the sandbox is a terrific tool. Things like Wikidot could be understood easier by doing than by listening about them. (Maybe the sandbox should have a more prominent placement on the main page?)
That simple.