Slashing the prices by 50% to help you succeed!

by michal-frackowiak on 08 Sep 2011 11:00

September, end of summer, getting back to work. A pessimist would claim it is one of the worst moments of the year. An optimist on the other hand would point out that the refreshing holiday season gave them tons of new ideas, and the energy to get back to old projects and to start new ones. We are definitely optimists and we wish all of you such an approach!

Nevertheless, for most of us (professionals, researchers, lecturers, students, hobbyists) the productivity season starts. And we believe Wikidot can boost your success.


To help you start with your new projects and ideas and put them to life we have prepared a discount for our premium services, namely Pro Lite, Pro and Pro Plus - we are slashing the prices by 50% till 18 September!

Plan Regular price New price
Pro Lite $49.90 $24.95
Pro $119.90 $59.95
Pro Plus $239.90 $119.95

(The European Union citizens will see a bit different prices in EUR when purchasing due to inclusion of VAT)

If you own a paid account already, even if your subscription ends in a few months from now, feel free to prolong it for another year at 50% of its regular price.

For current free users it is a perfect opportunity to jump on the paid plan and enhance your websites dramatically — more file storage, larger private sites, going ad-free. Pro Lite at $24.95 makes it $2.08 per month for 5 sites, which is only…

$0.42 per month per site

Something you simply should not pass by. But we also encourage you to try higher plans, which are much more affordable now, and provide at least a few useful features like advanced web statistics or customization and higher limits on your sites.

Compare the plans


purchase the subscription before 18 September!

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