we would like to apologize to our users who have enabled "watching notifications" — as a result of an inconsistency in our code our servers started processing malformed activities and sending emails to unrelated users.
Some of our users might have received a few copies of a similar message.
This week we are improving many aspects of sending emails as I have blogged earlier this week, and this uncontrolled mailing came as a side effect.
We are sorry again for polluting your mailboxes. We should continue sending regular notification emails within minutes.
UPDATE: It looks like only a small fraction of users has been affected, these with low user ids.
What is a low user id? I received 10 of the e-mails
You're user 5,862 - That's pretty low - you've seen a lot of things change at Wikidot. You're like one of the founding fathers! ;-) I feel like I've been around forever and my id is 38,854. I didn't receive any of these messages.
Community Admin
I'm 35,113 and I didn't receive any either. I feel left out!
Thank you Ed for clarifying, As fast as the e-mails came in they stopped, the team did a great job of detecting and killing it before I got flooded.
Yes, we tried to work fast, but when we noticed unusual email activity, the harm had already been done :-(
We got a few emails with complaints, but many more friendly and helpful reports from our users and friends who wanted to let us know there is something wrong with our email system. Thanks!
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at michalf.me