Captain's blog. Wikidot date 2009.52.2. Today we are in an unknown and scary part of the fourth dimension called the present, after traveling in time from the year 2006 to get here. Rations are low, and the crew are getting scurvy1 I've decided to bolster spirits by breaking open our last barrel of bootleg Russian rum.
Decisions, decisions. It's sometimes tough to decide. This morning, scrambled eggs or omelette? And if omelette, cheese or tomato, or a mix of both? One espresso, or two? In the end, I try to make my decisions, and stick to them. The espresso omelette was very… interesting, thank you.
Back to the CSS package competition. As designed, the competition has some bugs that are now becoming obvious. Mainly, this is a bad time for a competition because everyone is so busy. So, this morning as I was chewing my brown and bitter but strangely tasty eggs, I realized that we need to extend it until 31 December.
This gives you the perfect excuse to escape the family on December 26th and spend a few days making something that thousands of people will look at and think, "what on earth was he/she drinking?"
Remember, we're giving away five pro accounts, valid for either 12 months or 1 year (your choice), for use by the winners or as gifts for friends and family. All you need to do is think of a clever use for the CSS module, and wrap that up as a cross-site include, or CSI. There are examples on and, where you can also find the rules.
I'll announce the winners on 1st January on this blog, if I can find a working computer and my brain. Enjoy!
Happy holidays!
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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Thanks for the extension! With my daughter's in-laws spending a few days with us, I needed that excuse to escape the family for maybe not days, but at least a few hours! :)
Community Admin
Love the intro since I so happened to have watched a Star Trek episode last night ;)
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Excellent! I get some more time….
Kenneth Tsang (@jxeeno)