CSS+CSI Package Competition

by pieterh on 16 Dec 2009 10:05

In many parts of the world, especially those with powerful Coca-Cola franchises1, families are starting to bring dead trees into their homes, hunt for wild turkeys, and mentally prepare for that dreadful day when the whole family sits down together, exchanges presents, and pretends to like each other.

Here at Wikidot World Headquarters we don't celebrate Christmas, unless you count 24-hour parties with Żubrówka, Żywiec, and paluski, ending in the cops being called and then joining the party, together with their night's catch of hookers and hoodlums, as "celebration".

So instead, here is a competition. We're giving away five (5) Pro account 12-month upgrades, for own use or as gifts for other Wikidot users. The goal is to create the most interesting and useful CSS+CSI packages. A CSS+CSI package is a page of Wikidot code that uses the CSS module to do something. Someone who wants to use this package writes [[include :sitename:packagepage]] in their nav:side, or page.

There are some example packages on csi.wikidot.com, take a look if you want inspiration. The rules of the competition are at css-competition.wikidot.com, which is where you will want to publish your packages, to take part.

Perhaps a package that pops a logo onto a site. Or a package that modifies the CSS to make it work better for a mobile device. Or a package that hides the search box and account options…


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