One of the most lovely features of Wikidot is support for code blocks. If you are a programmer, you probably want to share some pieces of your code. At Wikidot just wrap such a code in a [[code]] … [[/code]] tags (use [[code type="php"]] if you share PHP code) and you'll get beautifully highlighted code. Like this one:
$dna = '*'; echo str_replace(chr(42), $dna, base64_decode($dna));
Inside code block, you can have [[include]] tags, that lets you combine code from other pages or even sites. This can be very useful, for example to show the source of a particular page:
[[include :blog:blog:_start]]
This gives us:
[[module CSS]]
.footnotes-footer {
display: none;
[[module ListPages limit="no" category="blog" date="@URL" tags="@URL" perPage="7" rss="Wikidot Blog" rssLimit="10"]]
[[div class="page-title blogpost-title"]]
[[div class="blogpost-author"]]
by %%created_by%% on %%date|%e %B %Y, %H:%M%%
[[div class="blogpost-content"]]
[[div class="blogpost-comments"]]
[[a href="%%link%%#comments" class="icon"]]%%comments%% [[span class="icon-comments-alt"]]@< >@[[/span]][[/a]] [[a href="%%link%%" class="btn btn-default readmore"]]Read more[[/a]]
This is exactly the wiki source of blog:_start page from site!
Code block content is also available for download using specially constructed URL, like: .
When accessing this URL you will get the content of code block number 1 from the page Green Fresh from
Consult the documentation of Code Blocks for more details.
Nice, but
The ability to show a program or wiki code is really useful, but we would like to improve the way it works. There are a few ideas of how to make it work better.
Code block rendering via URLs
We want to improve the access of code blocks using URLs like /pagename/code/1 in the following ways:
- When you extract a code block using its URL, includes will be resolved the same way as when you show the page. This would let you create (for example) CSS themes using cross-site includes and symbolic replacement (!).
- Code blocks that are commented out won't be any longer accessible via the URL. If you need to access a commented code block you may need to wrap it in [[div style="display: none"]] … [[/div]] instead. Or, if you use this trick to inject custom HTML into your page, have a look at newly created html tag!
- Code blocks that are formatted by the category _template will be accessible via the URL (today they're not).
All these changes would make code blocks accessed by URL identical to those appearing on a page.
Recognized languages
To make programmers and hackers even more happy we would like to increase the number of recognized languages. We have already had a few requests to add support for some languages, like SQL, BASH or C#. Right now it would be quite hard to do because the library we use to highlight the code is quite outdated and not developed anymore.
What we would like to do instead is to use one of JavaScript-based code highlighters, which are much more extendable. It's usually really easy to add support for another programming languages in them. We could even ask Wikidot users to write highlighting rules for Wikidot syntax. I believe this would be real fun for some of You :-).
With the changing of code highlighting library, we could make even more improvements. I would really love displaying the line numbers and a minimal header for each code block that would provide links to download the code, remove highlighting or toggle wrapping of long lines.
Code block processing
Last, but not least, we would like to introduce a minimal (but useful) processing of code blocks that could enable you to:
- highlight a particular line
- disable the processing of [[include]] and [[code]] tags inside of a code block, so you can show literal [[include]] instead of included page content, or use a literal [[/code]] tag inside your code block. Without a special way it would actually end your code block where that tag appears.
The idea of how to do this is using a special character — backslash — in the front of a line to trigger special handling of it. For example:
- Prepend a line with "\@" (backslash at) to disable processing of special tags inside the code block (currently they are [[code]] and [[include]]). "@" corresponds to the use of "@@ … @@" for escaping Wikidot code.
- Prepend a line with "\*" (backslash asterisk) to highlight the line. "*" corresponds to the use of "** … **" to make the text inside bold.
- Start a line with "\\" (backslash backslash) to display a line starting with a literal backslash.
Let's see how that works:
[[code type="php"]]
\*$dna = '*';
echo str_replace(chr(42), $dna, base64_decode($dna));
echo "
\@[[include hello-world]]
[[include footer]]
Line 2 ($dna = '*';) would be highlighted.
Line 5 would just say [[include hello-world]].
Line 6 would say \n";.
From line 7, there would be injected the source of page footer.
After that, there would be (as expected) literal ?>.
Nicer, isn't it
Let us know, if you like the changes suggested here. Internally we use code blocks very often and percive them as a very important tool, but is it as important to you? Do you use code blocks at all? Will using them be really easier if we improve them as described? We're waiting for your opinions and thoughts!
PHP code comes from
Sounds good!
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
User-added highlighting is really necessary. Personally I paste a lot of sources in unpopular languages like Pascal for my students. So I'm expecting this feature from 2008. =)
P.S. Oops, posted this in different thread.
Code::Blocks is a free C, C++ and Fortran IDE built to meet the most demanding needs of its users. It is designed to be very extensible and fully configurable.
— Shadow Yen does not match any existing user name ~ Project Pokemon Platinum
Get your priorities straight. First fix your signature. Then ask for help.
The collapsible code is working perfectly. Show us an example where it isn't.
in a roundabout way James, he has.
what he ment so say was….
" It appears that the colapsable block code doesn't function correctly when used within a signature"
And then you will reply …
In calm, measured, reasonable manner……….
becare how you word it, because i think he might be only 10years old.
I think he is trying to use the collapsible block for the signature.
Tip 1: The signature is overly excessive, even if you apply a collapsible block. I suggest not using the video or image at all; the name and links are good enough.
Tip 2: The collapsible block works like this:
Does this:
Tip 3: Don't post problems here; the community is meant for questions such as this.
Thank you.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
sorry… im not a knowitall like you guys… cut me some slack…
— Shadow Yen does not match any existing user name ~ Project Pokemon Platinum
It's fine to ask for help with a problem. Really, it is.
But when you go demanding for us to fix a “broken product”, without even telling us:
How can we help you if we don't know these 3 simple things? Think about it.
Now do you understand why I responded the way I did?
— Shadow Yen does not match any existing user name ~ Project Pokemon Platinum
It's all good.
Now I'm not sure if you knew this, but you can have your embed code on one line with the collapsible code:
I'm telling you this because I noticed you had a YouTube video in your signature. You may still be able to put it in there and still stay under the 4-line signature limit.
BTW, great idea to put a collapsible in the signature.
thxs for the advice and info, i appreciate it
— Shadow Yen does not match any existing user name ~ Project Pokemon Platinum
and its over 400 characters, wont fit ¬_¬' thxs anyway ^^
— Shadow Yen does not match any existing user name ~ Project Pokemon Platinum
"I would really love displaying the line numbers…"
Try this:
[[include :snippets:syntax-start type=language ]]
code here
[[include :snippets:syntax-end]]
[[include :snippets:syntax-start type=java]]
* Java code goes here
[[include :snippets:syntax-end]]
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)