More options for Pro users

Starting 2. April we would like to give Pro users better ways to monetize their sites. So far AdSense has been the only supported option. It has been working well for some users, but we frequently get questions about including other ad networks.
As a solution we will provide a tool within Site Manager to set up ads based on HTML code generated by a particular ad network. For example, if you have a Google AdSense account, you could go to your AdSense panel, create a new ad, get the code and paste it directly into your ad config on Wikidot. We would also give you options to set placement, visibility etc.
Such a solution would have a few advantages over the existing setup:
- users will not use our AdSense panel, which duplicates most options from Google's AdSense panel and is difficult to maintain,
- users will receive 100% of generated revenue, instead of 80% as it is now,
- ads will not be limited to AdSense - Tribal Fusion, CPX, Amazon and other networks will be supported too.
The above option will be presented only to Pro Lite, Pro and Pro+ users. If you are a free user and would like to earn money from your sites, please upgrade your account.
Shutting down AdSense API integration
At the same time we would like to disable our AdSense API integration completely — there is no reason to keep it around if we are coming up with an equivalent (or even better) solution.
Advertising on free sites
In the same move we are changing the advertising policy for free sites: free site admins will not be allowed to monetize their sites. Instead we will continue placing ads on free sites in a non-intrusive way, but we would like to have the exclusive right to do so. Our Terms of Service will be updated accordingly.
If you are a free user, and would like to escape our advertising or earn money from your sites, the cheapest upgrade to our Pro Lite plan is less than $5 a month, and will bring some other goodies to your sites.
The changes, including dropping our current AdSense integration, will take effect 2. April, but we will give Pro users a clean way to migrate their ads to a new system sooner. We will also notify admins of all affected sites.
UPDATE: for technical details about implementation of ad management panel, please look at the corresponding design.
UPDATE: Current AdSense panel (at will be operational for a few more days, till 6. April. This is to provide more time for users to safely change their ads, and move to the new configuration. Till then, both ways of configuring ads (old and new) will work.
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This sounds great — it makes much more sense.
Please make sure I don't suddenly have a bunch of error messages everywhere that I've used an AdSense module ;-)
If it's possible for you to give me an automatically-generated list of every page with an AdSense module on it in the notification email… that would be perfect, as it would tell me exactly where I need to go to make the changes necessary. Although it's perfectly understandable if that is not feasible.
I'd like to continue using AdSense, under the same account I currently use, without interruption if possible. Is it a simple matter of using Google-generated code, instead of the AdSense module? :S
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
No problem, we will send notifications (and instructions) to all current AdSense users to update their settings. Unfortunately you will need to go to AdSense site and generate the ad code yourself, but this should take you just a few minutes, and I think it will be much easier to maintain later.
But you will have at least one week to update, and you can do it without any interruption to your ads.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
Well, I'm sorry to say this but it is very frustrating to me so far. How do I generate this adsense code? I cannot find anything about it in my Adsense account and so far not on wikidot either. Beacuse of that wikidot cost me all my Adsense income + the money for a ProLite account.
I feel horrible. I have to delete so many wiki's because of this, ah wel…
Wil je zelf artikelen schrijven? Bezoek:
I cannot give you a direct link for Google Adsense where you generate the ad code, but please try:
2. click AdSense Setup — right below the AdSense logo
3. choose AdSense for Content
4. select e.g. Ad unit, and Continue
5. go through the options, or leave them default for minimal config. click Continue ». And again.
6. Give it a name, or keep default. Click Submit and Get Code
7. Copy the code from a box (starting with <script…)
Now go to Site Manager on your site, which should be available on page admin:manage. E.g. on Click Advertising.
If you can get there, it should be easy.
I hope this helps,
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
Ditto in re: error messages all over the place. I began implementing code before I understood live templates (or maybe before they were around, I'm not sure), so I've got little modules in lots of different nooks and crannies, especially on older parts of my site.
Will it be possible for <custom label> modules look like [[module AdSenseUnit label="label"]], so once I'm done pasting the right code into the site manager, I don't have to go page by page fixing each custom unit? A week to do a little copy and paste once per ad unit is plenty, but a week to fix all the old bits and pieces isn't nearly enough.
Yes, good idea. We will make AdSenseUnit an alias to Ad.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
Google's first pay comes if you earn at least 10 euros. Not less. Will I loose everything I have earned so far? I know it is not much, but it seems that the revenue is getting higher each day, and if i change the way of advertising, again I will be forced to wait for Google to find correct language for my site and again I will have to put up with Russian, Bulgarian, even Chinese adds that have no sense in a Serbian site…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
1. No, you will not lose anything, because you will still continue to use the same Google AdSense account. Simply you will need to go to, generate ad unit code, and paste it to Site Manager on particular sites you manage. I am not sure if Google will need to re-crawl your sites to match proper ads though. I hope it already has all the data required to match ads to the content.
2. As far as I can see, the payment threshold is a bit higher… $100 or €70 under normal circumstances :-( Check this at
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
Or $150 AUD :(
A threshold for Google to confirm my delivery address was $15, and I got that recently… they sent out a postcard with a code on it, and I had to enter that code into the AdSense website to prove that I had received it. … … After checking the AdSense website today, I discover that I only have around $12 now. That's about 80% of $15 so I'm assuming that means wikidot has taken it's share out of the total since I last had a look.
Either way… I'm a long way away from getting anything back! ;-)
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Well, it should not work like that, our margin should be totally transparent for you. I do not think $15 is a definite threshold, they simply might send out confirmations sooner or later.
I hope that with 100% revenue you will be able to get to your payment threshold sooner. But honestly, there are soooo many complains about the high payout threshold all over the web… Once I saw an article that estimated how much money Google holds in those threshold-not-met AdSense earnings, and the total amount was shocking huge.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
I'm not surprised to hear that. AdSense is definitely successful for them.
The margin for a payout is 100 USD or 150 AUD. Considering 100 U.S. dollars = 108.52 Australian dollars, I'd hardly say that is fair ;-) Nothing I can do about it though.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Oh, I see. You're right. 10 € was the limit to be able to determine the way of payment. Ohhhh, If Google has to crowl again my site I will never reach the first payment…. :(:(:(:(:(
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I do like the idea of advertising books of Amazon at my site. I have already seen this at some other historical sites, and I do like the idea, because it is something that will attract my visitors to click on ads….
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Indeed, I can see many users trying to add Amazon Affiliate ads on their sites, using various hacks. Now it should be much, much easier.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
Brunni, another approach might be to put an Amazon store on your site. I did it for wiki-related books at the bottom of my pagehere.
I think this new proposal for dealing with ads is sensible.
Rob Elliott - Strathpeffer, Scotland - Wikidot first line support & community admin team.
Yeah I have an Amazon store. It's easy to set up. You can also make a widget to go anywhere on your site that will rotate products from your store but the links from that will send users your Amazon hosted store and not the version embedded on your site…same difference really.
Appropriate affiliate links related to the actual pages, I think, will earn more for most than a store but a store is an easy option to also have. Very user friendly.
It'd be nice if these benefits were sold separately. I don't like ads, but I'm not an entrepreneur. If ~$2/mo. covered hosting costs and whatnot, I'd be happy to pay that, though.
On the topic of accounts, what happens to uploaded files larger than 5mb when the account gets downgraded to Free status?
Also, for curiosity's sake, what happens to a wiki when you delete both the site and the account? Does it become unrecoverable?
No, the site can be recovered, and the account, too, if I am not mistaken. If you delete your site, and not account, you can recover it by yourself (you will see the option in your user page). But if you delete your account, I think that in this case only developers can help…. Michal would know more about it…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I'm pretty sure your files would be fine since the restriction is checked when files are uploaded. I really doubt that existing files would be affected. The question I would have is what if your storage space exceeds the free limit when you downgrade? Are you simply prevented from adding more files until you do some cleanup or do some files become inaccessible?
Community Admin
OK, here is some clarification on the current state:
1. Files larger than 5MB are kept in case of a downgrade, but you cannot files larger than 5MB.
2. If you delete sites, we still keep them archived, and we can bring them back on-line in special circumstances.
3. Deleted accounts can also be recovered, we partially archive them too.
4. If your site exceeds the 300MB free upload limit and you downgrade, you will not be able to upload any more files until you delete some files and go below that limit.
I cannot guarantee that this is a binding answer. Ideally we would rather limit access to files on sites that exceed the storage limit. Either soft limit (e.g. by making the downloads slower), or hard limit, by disabling the access completely.
This is still undecided, but we would like to put the restriction before we introduce monthly payments. We would like to prevent a situation when someone pays for a Pro+ account, loads lots of files, downgrades and still has unlimited access to them.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
I can see your concern over someone potentially taking advantage of monthly Pro+ accounts. I would suggest that if someone downgrades, you give them 30 days notice (or some reasonable time frame) to clean up their files to get under the limit. After 30 days, you start deleting files (newest first? largest first?) until their total is under the limit. For sure blocking new file uploads also makes sense until the files are cleaned up.
The real issue for you is how easy is it to automate this kind of thing so it doesn't become a maintenance hassle.
Community Admin
Thanks, this would be a very good solution indeed! A grace-period of 30 days.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
I would appreciate VERY much some help on this, please….. :D
I woould like to put it on the bottom of the main page, under the four little boxes and the books should be in a line, one beside the other… In just one row. And on history, of course… :)
I don't have a clue on how to do it. If you prefer, I can open a new thread on it in the Community forum…
Please, help me, I really have been wanting this for a long time…. :)
Is this Amazon Store applied to a site?
And this I would like to put in a side bar…
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Firstly, just want to point out how great it is that the weneeds have been moved to, with the same authors, rating, comments, etc. That should be provided as a service to users, where wikidot manually moves pages/comments/rating to another site with the same MA. $10 USD per category, per request?
And, is the "Tuesday Rant" something that will disappear now that pieter is not posting on this blog, or are there plans to continue it?
It's midday and I've already finished work (even if I had to wake myself up at 4 am to start)… so I'm in a good mood today ;-) Going to hopefully catch up on the hundreds of wikidot notification emails I haven't had a chance to read yet, from the past couple of weeks.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
I hope we can finish the Feedback site today — it took a bit longer than we expected. There will be a separate blog post about it for sure!
Indeed we would like to collect all feedback, including ideas and problem reports, on a single site. I am still not sure about complaints though… I do not want to put them into dedicated blog posts (rants). But at the same time we would like to give negative opinions a way to reach us. The only reasonable place IMHO is
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
I have just seen this message in Site Manager, and I think we will have a huge problem with this.
"My site" is not my site since we went pro. MA of my site is one of my colleagues from Serbia, and he pays for the pro site. But he does not have a clue about administrating the site, that is what I do, as I have been always been doing from the very beginning. That is why I installed AsSense with my AdSense account and my e-mail and we have some money there. It is not much, but we would like to have that money, since we plan to pay the next year pro account with that money (or at least a part of it). If you limit ads administration only to MA, we will be unable to earn anything, and also we will lose our money we have earned so far.
Can this be solved in some way? Can't we pay just for the site, and not for the whole account? Because, we really want pro account for only one site, which is the joint effort of three of us.
Never mind. I have found out the way to have the google ads without accessing to Wikidot Advertising. But anyway, I think that Advertising part should be accessible for all administrators, not only to MA.
I also think that there should be the possibility to pay per site, and not per account.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I'm not sure about the solution to your actual question (sounds like you found a solution anyway), but I believe that if you have a certain amount of money in there (about $15 USD) and you cancel the AdSense account, they will send you a cheque with that amount.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Here's my solution:
Then I can include it in any page I want using include module.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
I have just read the email and had a look at the new Advertising panel in the site manager. It looks good, and having it integrated into the site manager instead of being a separate panel is a great improvement.
Instructions in the email were clear and easy to understand.
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Okay, I've had some time to look at the panel in more detail. It seems I'm unable to choose more than one location for my ads, which I was able to do with the AdSense panel. For example, I can only use one type of Google AdSense banner, and that's it. Should I make a feature request for this?
Also, the "+ Add a custom location" link doesn't seem to do anything. It asks me to enter a label and click OK. Then nothing else happens.
— Shane
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
Wikidot: Official Documentation | Wikidot Discord server | NEW: Wikiroo, backup tool (in development)
Thanks for the comments. Just to clarify - this indeed can be misleading (in this case we will improve the panel ASAP), but you can enter code for multiple locations easily. The location selector lets you browse through locations, so that you can paste the code for multiple locations, not just select one.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
I just hope that you got my email and that you will not ignore me, as you usually do.
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney
Yes, I did, and we are thinking right now if to allow non-master admins configure ads. If only master admin can set up ads, this is the simplest scenario - MA owns the site, paid for it, and makes money from it. It should cover almost all cases.
But we might be wrong, and letting other admins configure ads would be a good idea. You make admins only the people you trust. Usually.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
we have enabled non-master admins to manage ads now. Thanks for the suggestion and comment!
BTW: using AdSense within [[html]] tag might not be the best solution, because AdSense Bot does not know on which page a particular AdSense box is placed and might have problems matching ads to the content.
Michał Frąckowiak @ Wikidot Inc.
Visit my blog at
This was only the solution to have them even if I cannot access the Advertising pannel. Now that I can, I will do it as it should be done.
Thank you, Michal. You are a man of few words, but when you say, you say it right. :)
If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be vegan. - Paul McCartney