We have been running Wikidot for almost seven years now. It is pretty long time for a web-oriented company in a fast-paced world of invention, progress and game-changing deals. No doubt Wikidot is considered a successful project, especially in Poland, where we come from.
In March I was invited to Openreactor — a Warsaw meeting for startup-oriented folks — to give a short speech about Wikidot and share my thoughts about running global, world-wide web services. The video has been recently released and I think it is worth sharing.
For these who have no time to watch the whole talk, but are still interested (or want to go global with their projects), here is a short summary:
#0 Prerequisite: stop reading Techcrunch, it might be depressing
#1 Make an AWESOME (and useful) product (that you would use yourself)
#2 Have a scalable business model
#3 Start small and grow (vs. inflate and die)
#4 Become THE face of your product
#5 Build communities
#6 Get only the best people to work with you
#7 Automate everything
#8 Scale your costs — use the cloud
My conclusion is that in order to run a successful project you do not need to be located in Silicon Valley, London nor Berlin. Nor does your project need to be large — you can avoid a problem of over-inflation. Growing slowly is great too.
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