by michal-frackowiak on 17 Jun 2010 13:05


Today, at 1.04 PM UTC, Wikidot welcomed its 500 000th registered user. We are very happy to see the growth Wikidot is experiencing — in terms of popularity, usage, features and as a business too. We see more and more interesting sites created and many vibrant communities growing, which proves our vision of creating a "wiki farm" worth its effort.

by Gabrys on 16 Jun 2010 09:54

Varnish is our new forcefield

After extensive testing of various caching techniques, we have just enabled additional level of pages caching for anonymous users. We are using Varnish to do the hard job, keeping Lighttpd serving Wikidot pages for logged-in users.

Pages are cached for 3 minutes, and subsequent requests of the same URL to our backend service (based on PHP FastCGI processes) are queued in order to improve overall stability and performance.

Caching is applied only is the following conditions are met:

  • it's a wiki page (not uploaded file, login screen, AJAX requests etc)
  • user does not have session cookie set (this basically means users that are not logged in)
  • page is accessed with http, not https

by michal-frackowiak on 14 Jun 2010 12:42


At Wikidot, we try very hard to balance the feature set on free accounts vs paid accounts. On one hand we want the free option to be tempting enough for people to start using Wikidot and get hooked, on the other hand we would like to offer an even more tempting option to choose one of our paid plans that provide even more features that help running successful sites.

Based on the feedback we received from our users, we decided to remove a few important limitations from free accounts that, according to several opinions, are real deal-breakers when starting with Wikidot.

by Squark on 07 Jun 2010 14:55

Try to imagine a situation when you're gathering some people and together creating your new project, e.g. new Internet service. Everything starts from an idea, then you make a plan and try to introduce a completely fresh, magnificent solution that will rule the world. Ok, that's for the beginning.