by pieterh on 15 Dec 2009 14:24

I'm glad to say that last week's rant has translated into action. Customized profile pages - a major spammer vulnerability in - now don't appear except for Pro users. There is another new pro-only (not pro-lite) feature too, which is the ability to create per-site profiles for users. When you enable this, your site members get a page in the profiles: category, which they can edit.

by pieterh on 08 Dec 2009 20:47

Sheriff Phil Chett points out that profile pages are a huge source of spam. That is, spammers register and then use their profile pages to create links to various sites. This boosts the Page Rank of those sites, and lowers the Wikidot overall Page Rank. Every day he deletes about 150 spam profiles.

by pieterh on 03 Dec 2009 10:32

Just for fun this morning we reviewed's uptime statistics over the last months. After fixing caching issues this summer, and before upgrading to the new super-fast database servers, we had about 99.7% uptime, and since then it's around 99.85%.

by pieterh on 02 Dec 2009 16:14

Today we published a new module that lets you put CSS styling onto any page. This is a very powerful tool, because it gives users control over the look and feel of their pages, which was previously an admin function. It also lets package creators mix CSS and CSI (cross site includes) so for example, pulling in a particular CSI package will automatically pull in the right styling.

by pieterh on 01 Dec 2009 10:30

Tuesday again, and today a small experiment. This rant thread has a specific topic, identities. Yesterday I was editing a site. It was part of a project, for which I'd created a new user account. It was/is very important to me that this project show that identity, not mine. A week of work later, I uploaded a new file and then saw with horror that I'd been logged in as pieterh, instead of using the new account. Result: site FUBAR.

by pieterh on 28 Nov 2009 14:42

This morning I discovered James' Kanjo's excellent MP3 player for Wikidot, which is based on work done by Helmuti, Squark, and Piotr. Just add one line of code to your page, and upload an MP3 song (something you recorded in the shower, maybe), and your Wikidot site comes to life!

by pieterh on 26 Nov 2009 11:47

Today is, for our American friends, Thanksgiving. Historically, it's got something to do with turkey and corn, I think. Today, this is the day when friends and family gather to celebrate the American Dream, eat and drink, and prepare for Black Friday, the greatest shopping day ever. So I hear.