by pieterh on 03 Sep 2009 16:34

On 7 August we started the redesign process for ListPages, one of the most important tools in Wikidot. Tomorrow we should see this arrive in production (and I'll announce it here when it's live). A few words about what this means and how it will affect your sites.

by pieterh on 03 Sep 2009 08:46

Good news, everybody! Today will be faster, even when a hundred thousand Mac OS/X users reload that Snow Leopard page. And secondly, we're starting to roll-out the Iron Giant template sites. Read on for the juicy details…

by pieterh on 02 Sep 2009 15:17

A few weeks ago I reported on a way to customize your CSS theme. Since then, some people have reported that this technique fails with IE7 and IE8. We've filed a bug report with Microsoft and my contacts there have promised "a fix before 2021, really!" So, for those unfortunate enough to try the "My Theme" technique, here's a workaround…

by pieterh on 02 Sep 2009 10:42

In the side menu, I've added a link to the "at a glance" dashboard which gives you an overview of all the user-space projects plus a few others. If you're feeling list, click 'Dashboard' and try the different tabs. Page made by Gerdami, I think.

by pieterh on 02 Sep 2009 10:29

Miserlou57 writes, "I would really love a page that can at least give us some kind of idea of what things are being worked on (a simple sentence or two) and if/when we can expect any of the new features to roll out. For example, the Rating module is apparently impending redesign… but when can I count on it being around?"

by pieterh on 02 Sep 2009 09:33

The Themes site has gotten a new look today thanks to some great work by Squark. This new layout is meant to show more themes per page and let you navigate easily by thumbnail. Do you have ideas for more improvements to this site? If so, this is the place to discuss!

by pieterh on 01 Sep 2009 09:55

Life here at Wikidot Headquarters is usually very serious. We discuss issue prioritization, the relative merits of SQL vs. value-pair databases, and the best live backup strategies. But sometimes we relax and open a few beers and play the ancient Polish game of "Is It Taken?"