by pieterh on 29 Sep 2009 15:34

The prodigious leiger (Shane Smith) unveiled Multiplayer today, as "a website inspired by the calendar project and designed from the ground up for one purpose — to provide an easy way to schedule gaming events, most commonly matches between members of the website."

by pieterh on 27 Sep 2009 21:32

On Thursday I launched the idea of a 'feature auction', to a generally positive reaction. Today we've completed a simple web application, the Roadmap Project, which lets you make 'pledges' to push certain aspects of Wikidot's ongoing development.

by pieterh on 25 Sep 2009 16:05

This week we pushed out some database improvements. There have been one or two glitches, but response time has improved, with maximum loads now around 60%, and average loads around 45%.

by pieterh on 24 Sep 2009 17:38

Here is a question for thought. A lot of the signatures I see are people asking for (lobbying for) specific features. The one thing we have in abundance in Wikidot is demand for new functionality, as well as fixes and improvements to existing functionality. Our shortage is the supply of skilled brains able to make those changes.

by pieterh on 24 Sep 2009 16:20

As a site builder you have snippets, themes, packages, and pre-built applications. A lot of choice, perhaps too much. Are you confused? Then allow me to explain a vision for making this simpler and more consistent.

by pieterh on 24 Sep 2009 09:34

For some time we've been getting reports of weird problems with Internet Explorer 8 (IE8). A few weeks ago we got around to fixing most of these problems, which were caused by IE8's buggy 'range' function (which is what Wikidot uses when you select text and then click the Bold icon or press Ctrl-B).

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