Tuesday is the day we complain about things we dislike in Wikidot. I have a long list of things that annoy me but only two worth mentioning today.
Tuesday is the day we complain about things we dislike in Wikidot. I have a long list of things that annoy me but only two worth mentioning today.
Wikidot offers different ways to write and manage custom themes. The simplest way is to open your site manager and create a custom theme, then apply that to your default category. But as part of the Iron Giant project to build template sites, we've developed an easier, better way. In this blog posting I'll explain how that works.
The template sites project is moving ahead like an fast train. When we announced the wiki template project, we promised three pro account gifts to the best contributors. Time to announce the winners…
Apan Loon (that is, I hope for his sake as a kid, not his real name) sent me some screenshots showing Wikidot in action in Second Life, which is a kind of "virtual world" where you can meet other "residents" with strange names and funny clothes.
Some time ago, I read a comment from a Wikidot site admin complaining that there were no other domains available than "wikidot.com". This was, I guess, before we opened custom domains to all sites.
People sometimes compare Wikidot to other wiki farms like PBworks and wikispaces. The obvious differences are: we're much cheaper, we don't have a wysiwyg editor, and we don't have such nice graphics. But the real difference is much more important than that and explains why Wikidot will, IMO, become the most popular place for wiki 2.0 projects.
I proposed a new design sketch for the Rating module about a week ago, and after a good discussion, the sketch turned into what I'd consider a very solid design. Now I'm going to do the same with the Watchers module.
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