by pieterh on 10 Jul 2009 17:09

I've been playing with CSS, with Squark's help, and have built a small pop-out syntax help that works when editing a page. This solves a long standing problem I have: Wikidot's syntax is sometimes hard to remember and I find myself clicking on 'wiki syntax description' to remember things like how [[image]] works.

by pieterh on 10 Jul 2009 15:16

Just wanted to remind everyone that we distribute an open source version of Wikidot, at Piotr Gabryjeluk (Gabrys) is the maintainer of this great package of software.

by pieterh on 09 Jul 2009 22:26

I find myself often (too often) going to the Wikidot documentation pages and scrolling through what seems endless amounts of detail. So, this evening I wrote a quick reference for the Wikidot syntax. ErichSteinboeck was kind enough to proof read it and point out the errors.

by pieterh on 09 Jul 2009 07:59

Not a huge thing, but we pushed some changes into production that makes email invitations work a little better. Thanks to DaveC for suggesting these.

by pieterh on 08 Jul 2009 14:45

We're all aware of the global crisis, which is making life grey all over the world. As a kind of a cure, and an excuse to have a little fun, we're organizing a theme contest that will run for the next 30 days. We now invite anyone with a hand for stylesheet design, especially if you've already made a custom CSS for your Wikidot site, to submit your best work to

by pieterh on 07 Jul 2009 19:12

To celebrate Tuesday, which usually tries to sneak by as the least noticed day of the week, I'm inviting you all to a new tradition, Tuesday Rant.

by pieterh on 07 Jul 2009 07:48

Last night went down for two hours between 2.10AM and 4.30AM CEST. We're still analyzing the logs to see what happened. As far as we can tell it was not an external attack, but rather a fault in our own system. Our apologies to anyone who was trying to use at the time. I'll have an explanation later.